Sunday, January 04, 2004

You can tell I have no life by how much I blog.

Wow. I've had a good day. I guess there is life somewhere between BYUH, blogging and after Mark. My whole family attended a piano recital today where Han and Shuan were performing. It didn't strike me till I got there that all of my old students would be there as well. It was a nice treat. Most of my students recognized me. I took some of them a couple of looks, tee hee. All in all, everyone seemed excited to see me there - especially the little ones. *sigh* Definitely a nice feeling. Of course, they were surprised since I was supposed to be sun bathing on a beach in Hawaii right now. I didn't think I'd see them again that soon either. The up side is that I get to continue my missionary efforts with them. YAY!

Since we don't have teacher evaluation or anything, having my old students be glad to see me is a confirmation that I did OK. I was very proud to watch them perform the peices I taught them. Teaching is such a wonderful job, don't you think? As much as I'd pull my hair out trying to bribe them into practicing their piano every day, it's definitely been rewarding. You should see the big grin on my face right now!!! Ahhh... I miss teaching.

I've decided that's the kind of person I want to be - a person that touches lives. I've got a great opportunity, serving in the nursery. I know I do a great deal there, but I know I can do alot more than that. Of course, it involves getting out of my comfort zone and doing alot more service for others - and not waiting to be asked. I guess the best place to start is with the family. I've been more of a burden than anything since I've come home. Time to change that!

Oh, one of the students that performed today, (I taught his sister) reminded me of an ex-boyfriend. Tee hee. He's snub nosed and chubby and plays the violin too. They even have the same name - yes, Jared. I thought it was pretty funny. Asian version of J-bo. Kinda like his mongolian version of Mike, his brother in law. I wonder who I'm the Asian version of? Don't tell me - I don't wanna know!!!

Church starts in the afternoon tomorrow! YAY! I like all the extra time to dress up - since Sunday is my dressup day (and I LOVE doing it - too much!) I get to do cool stuff with my hair and get to sit down and do my makeup properly instead of doing it in the car because I wake up 15 minutes before church starts and live 7 minutes away.

You know, sometimes these feel good blogs seem alot less interesting - don't you think? But really, humor develops from negative experiences. Can't think of anything funny right now. Hmmm.... nope.

We took down the Christmas tree today along with the rest of our Christmas deco. *sigh* And I was SO glad that I wasn't going to be home to do that! I also unpacked out of my suitcase (I was all packed for Hawaii - in denial, I was still packing even when told I wasn't going). Strangely, it wasn't as bad as the first time I unpacked. THAT was depressing. I think I've just become numb or something. Or maybe I'm just developing a good attitude... ARGH! NOOOO!

Last thing I want to do is let my parents succeed in moulding me!!! But it's either that or spend another semester or two here. Uhm. No thank you. As much as I complain about them - my parents are definitely the best ones for me. They're really smart. (I get it from them :D) They really know what's going on - and are not naive. Needless to say, if I get away with something, it's because they let me. Seriously, it's so scary when I do, because I never know when the punishment is going to creep up on me!

It's sucks to have to admit that they know what they're doing, but it's that or defy everything and turn out to be a total failure. Hmmm. Wish I was less dependant on them, but like we'll always rely on Heavenly Father, it's easier just to obey your parents and let them reward you with the things you need - like college tuition - than to try to make it on your own.

Such is life. Hey, this is coming from the girl who refused to let anyone do anything for them, one of the biggest arguments she's had with a guy was over who'd pay for the meal. Pretty bad huh?

Well, now that it's late, it's probably best for me to start getting ready for bed. Can't have my parents try to stop me from blogging because it's disruptive!

Hope your day goes as well as I remember mine to be. Goodnight. (I hope I get another one of those dreams tonight! What do I have to think about before bed to get them??? *evil grin*)

This is Fei, blogging off. Over and Out.