Thursday, January 29, 2004

Something to lighten the mood.

I have these 4 black spots on my face. You could connected the dots you’d get a cross right on my face, a diamond, 2 triangles (one pattern with the 2 triangles pointing towards each other and another pattern with their bases) an arrow pointing up or down, even a kite!

Fun stuff!

Also, isn’t it ironic how I can’t hide my blemishes because my skin colored pimple gel caused it in the first place? And makeup is WAY worse!

I think I’m just going to take a marker and connect the dots so they will point up. People will look up and I will make my escape.
I’d connect it down, but there isn’t much to look at there.

At the rate I’m losing weight, I will shrink down a cup. What’s the alphabet before A?

Either that or I’ll lose weight everywhere else and be in perfect proportion.

Oooh... I’d like that!