Vanity Fair
Some of you may have noticed the new picture for my blogger profile. If you didn't, that's why I'm blogging about it!
Yeah, I got bored last night so I decided to have some fun with my webcam (ah, the advantages of not having a roommate). Since I was becoming tired of my friends saying how the previous picture I had on my profile didn't look a thing like me (they had a point) and people looking at that and saying "Who's that?!"
Who needs to spend money on glamor photos when you have a webcam (wonderful for the soft-focus), a little makeup (just some eyeliner and lip gloss on my part), a fan (man, I was freezing by the time I was done!) and a lot of vanity? Just adjust the brightness, contrast and other settings on the camera/pictures and voila! More pictures of yourself than you know what to do with.
Here are some of the better pictures (yes, I took way more than that!):

I'd actually done a "self-portrait photoshoot" before, in March, actually, when I was home in Malaysia. That's where the previous blogger profile picture came from. Posted it on here too. It's hecka fun - you should try it sometime.
Do the pics look anything like me this time? Heh. No, not really.
Ok, so maybe if you squint your eyes just a little.
Let me know which ones you like and why!
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12/21/2004 10:20:00 PM
My favourites:
1. Second row, middle = very very sweet
2. First row, middle (the one you used for your profile) = it's like as if the webcam said something funny and you were flattered and at the same time flirting with it. Hahahah!
3. First row, first = Model quality
Ever thought of doing part time modeling as a side income? :)
Posted by Lyanne
Posted by
12/21/2004 11:59:00 PM
Lyanne! loL! You posted a comment while I was still working on my post (I published it before I was done).
Thanks for commenting though - I forgot to tell people that the pictures are named by coordinates, so it makes it easier to comment. The rows are lettered a-f and the collumns 1,2 and 3. If that makes any sense.
I really liked a2 alot too. That's probably my favorite. I think it captures my flirtatious side. Well said. For some reason I liked C1. Kind of tacky if you keep staring at it (but then again they all are) but I probably shouldn't be staring at pictures of myself anymore.
Modelling? Hahah. You flatter me. Two words - TOO short!
Seriously though, if I can make myself look nice on camera like that, anyone can.
Posted by Faye
Posted by
12/22/2004 11:23:00 AM
You are having way too much fun with out me. Bored much!?
I like the last one, because you can see how clean my side of the room is. I'm glad you have kept it that way. :)
I like your smile in the 4th row middle one.
Posted by momma Jolley
Posted by
12/22/2004 05:17:00 PM
Aha! A competitor! Let's see who's more vain, you or me?
I like the leftiest one on the third row (although it still doesn't look like you to me :P)
Posted by Han
Posted by
12/22/2004 05:22:00 PM
Do I look like myself in ANY of these pictures at all?
Hey, however we express our high self-esteem is great.
Posted by Faye
Posted by
12/24/2004 04:49:00 AM
I secretly take a bazillion pictures of myself with my digital camera in the hopes that one or two come out ok. So many of them come out yucky.
But then I have a picture or two to use when I need them.
~blushes at vanity~
Click on, mama. All the power to you (and us).
Posted by introspectre
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