Carpe Diem!
J Keating
To Be Read At The Opening
of D. P. S. Meetings
I went to the woods because I
wanted to live deliberately...
I wanted to live deep and suck
out all the marrow of life!
To put to rout all that was not life...
And not, when I came to die, discover
that I had not lived...

If you can't already tell, I just watched one of the finest movies ever made. I'm no poet, yet, but I have been inspired by the movie, as always, and would like to start a BYU-Hawaii Branch - if it hasn't already been done. Thursday night anyone? After the Christmas Carolling I'm also planning, of course.
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12/09/2004 11:00:00 AM
Nice touch with the book opening and closing. and yes that has to be on the top level of movies of all time. i totally concur.
Posted by Kirill
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12/09/2004 05:44:00 PM
Count me in. Very festive, I like the music. Now I just need to find some dead poets poetry =S.
And Stuff,
Posted by Vasu "Blink" Chetty
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12/09/2004 09:08:00 PM
I'm thinking about making this a weekly thing. Read classic poetry one week, modern another, own work the next, and maybe even do a improv limerick thing, or even take apart poetic lyrics of our favorite songs. We can have romance poetry night, and shakespeare night... That would be really fun and we would all feel smarter afterward. Come to think of it, I doubt I could wait a whole week for that. Let's do it every other weekday or something. We could even do a poetry campout. That would a college memory worth making.
I also might have to call it the "Live Poets Society" because we're not being limited to the work of dead poets.
Kirill, thank you for pointing out the pimpness of my book-opening blogger hack. From now on, long posts will be hidden that way.
Posted by Faye
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