Current affairs.
I suppose I should be sleeping, but having just drunk half a bottle LiveWire, and realizing that this blog has been lacking real posts, I think I can afford to sit and think about myself for just a little bit. Maybe write a few things down too.
First day of school was today. Didn't make it to any of my classes because as of this morning I had none. I spent my day standing in line, clearing restrictions so I could register. Then home on my computer clicking refresh on my browser every 3 minutes to see if they'd cleared it. I ended up having to call the office an hour after they should have been closed to follow up. I got lucky - someone in Hawaii was actually in their office later than 4.45pm! She definitely has my respect now. I think I'll drop off some chocolates or something in her office someday. So now I'm partially registered. Tomorrow = more standing in line trying to add classes.
This semester looks good. Determined to be a super student. Get my GPA above the shameful mark. Very thrilled about my Psycho Therapy class. I love my major. I love school. I just need to learn to work.
On the social front, I'm very excited to have all my friends back again. We haven't really done a whole lot together, yet. Hopefully Dead Poet Society will have more than 3 people tomorrow. (BTW, it's 8.30pm, Thursday, meet by the bus stop, bring a dead poet work)
I suppose I might as well talk a little about the highlight of my life at this point. It's not meant to be a secret. I'm just unsure of how to talk about it and reluctant to make this blog some empty mushy crush vent like I have been in the habit of doing. However, it would be unfair and almost dishonest not to at least mention it periodically on here, especially it has been a substantial part of much pondering, prayer, day-dreaming.
Yes, I'm referring to quasi-boyfriend.
While I have been hoping that I would in true Faye style, get bored, distracted, or change my mind and move on, neither has happened, and quite to the contrary, I find myself sucked deeper and deeper into this. Part of my reluctance to blog about this is because I know many of my friends read this. I would like to keep this as much in the background as possible so it doesn't interfere with the course of my social life over here. Such a paradox.
I don't know how this is supposed to work out. I am half hoping that this semester I am going to meet somebody wonderful in all the same ways here, be swept off my feet and drop this entire fantasy. At the same time, the thought terrifies me because I want to hang on to this dream and see it come true. Aaaah. Don't know what to think. Don't know how to feel.
In the meantime, this creates a wonderful phase for Faye in Hawaii. A phase of serious self-improvement. I am very much at peace with the world right now, strangely. Not completely satisfied with the person I've become, but seeing a bright new future. Weeding things out one by one. All of the sudden, I just want to be the most wonderful person I can be. That's a good thing. I just wish I could get rid of all this impatience, yearning and feelings of helplessness.
Maybe this simply fits into my desire for some sort of storybook romance. I enjoy feeling whatever it is this makes me feel. There's just so much that I don't understand right now. Too much that I want to think about but just don't know how or if I should. Too much I can't seem to put in words.
I guess I shouldn't try then. Here's to a brand new semester, a brand new year, and a better me.
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1/07/2005 08:40:00 PM
It is always good to make some goals. You don't even have to right them down like most people let you to do. Just find out what you want to do and do it!
Posted by a man from Saipan
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