Cursed convenience!
When you spend most of your waking hours sitting like a zombie staring at the computer screen in avoidance of homework, you run out of things to do really fast.
It used to be that I would check my various email accounts and blogs compulsively. Well, now most of my mail has been transfered to my Gmail account (incidentally, they give us 2GB now! I love them!) so I don't check my other accounts nearly as frequently. And since I've installed their Gmail notifier, it lets me know when I have new mail and I can't type "gm" into my browser and wait for the history to take me to my mailbox to check if I have new mail. Sometimes I do it anyway. Out of habit. Always makes me feel like an idiot afterward.
I know people who have their blog comments emailed to them. Man, if I did that, I would not have ANYTHING left to do! What did they have to make things all convenient for?!
Seriously though. This notifier thing has taken out the fun in checking my mail. Remember back when you had to go to your mailbox wondering if there was anything in there for you? Well, gone are those days. Bye bye. No more adrenaline rush from mail-checking. Sorry. And you have stupid technology to thank for ruining the fun.
That's it. I'm going back to playing cribbage at They count the points for you.
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4/12/2005 11:04:00 AM
Sound like a fun. Don't quit you day job.
a man from Saipan
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