*sings* I'm so vain...
...I even made this blog all about me.
This morning, I finally recalled that I had a drawer full of makeup and decided to use some to go to work, for a change. I usually only bother with makeup on Sundays for church because:
I don't need it.
Heh. No. The real reasons are:
1) I can't be bothered
2) I may look better with it on to start with, but it melts then it's all ooky and I look better without.
3) Makeup isn't kind to my skin. Breakouts. I hate them.

So I may have overdone it, but I sure as heck felt pretty. I was also reminded of my last Youth Conference in 2002 (I was 17, turning 18, then). We all got these name tag thingies and they put "Fei Min" on mine. I mean, put Fei on there and that's fine. But I NEVER introduce myself as Fei Min (people who call me that learned my name from somewhere else, not from me) My dad calls me Fei Min when he's angry. Bad association.
Anyway, I flipped the paper with my name printed on it around and did this:

Oh, heck no! I am also the makeup artist, hair-stylist, lighting technician, photographer AND model in my very own webcam photoshoot!

I told you I was vain. Hey, don't look at me funny - I know you pretend to be Mr. Universe in the bathroom mirror!
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