Thursday, March 04, 2004

What's harder than parting the Red Sea?

We're developing these training modules for corporate companies at work and Dad's topic is "Change". He has this exercise thing where you wear your watch on the opposite hand as a reminder. You know, changing takes concious effort.

Well, each of us have a "subject" to test our exercises on. I am Dad's. Since I haven't worn a watch for a year now (no way am I putting that ugly green thing on again, no offense Jared), I offered to part my hair differntly instead.

WHAT WAS I THINKING? So now I have to switch between parting my hair on the left to the right every three days. I part my hair differently alot, but it's always between the left side of my head and the middle - sometimes in a zig zag, which is fine.

I now have my bangs swept and gelled down to my left (after 19 years of pushing it to the right, it's pretty stubborn). ARGH! I can't stand it!!! My head just feels lopsided now. There you go: I just figured out why I always tilt my head to my right in pictures.

No. No pictures today. I look weird. My hair wouldn't stay down, so I tied it up in a pony tail. Blah.

I think I'm going to buy a watch today.