Lead: me. Guide: me.
Exciting things happening all around.
Drenched through today at work. Fortunately it was more training and I didn't have to take my own group. PHEW. It was so miserable out, my day wouldn't have gone as well if I had to stress over my grumpy wet tourist.
Strangely, I was in a really good mood throughout. I was cold, of course. I went home and tried to warm and dry myself with the hairdryer.
My hair's in pigtail thingies because that's my "feel-good" hair - on days when I feel cheery or feel like I need the help to be cheery. It's still a little wet.
I took a test yesterday. Since I don't study on Sundays, I had to get up early on Monday to study. Class is at 11 so she let us take it anytime before 10. Fortunately, there was a study guide and I managed to skim through all the material in the 4 chapters and took the test in time. I got an 88% and was pretty upset with myself.
53/60 - MULTIPLE CHOICE. Sheesh. Not to boast or anything, but I've never gotten less than a 90 in a psych class before. To me it's easy and I get upset when I get less than a perfect score. I deserved that though. I didn't put enough time into it.
But then I went to class and found out that the highest was a 93, then 90 and I was next in line. Graded on a curve, it was an A-. She gives extra credit like crazy so I'm set. It really is an easy class.
Also, Glenn finally casted us all for the movie - I GOT THE LEAD!!! Ok. Not really, Jeff did. But I'm the lead female. I feel all flattered and everything (Glenn said he chose me because he could really "feel it" in the auditions) but I've seen all the other actors and actresses he's picked out as leads and well, it's not a compliment to me. Really.
Whatever it is, this will be a growing experience for me. And I will be able to watch myself act for once (my last part in the movie was too short for that) therefore being able to more correctly judge my acting skills - or the lack thereof. A good ego check, I'm thinking. I'm so afraid of people I know watching the movie and going: "She's a great girl and all, but I have to say... she really doesn't act very well..."
The cheesy script doesn't help. It's a psychological thriller type thing called "Shadows". Glenn loves that sort of weird bizarre plot. And I get to be a part of it!
I'm still excited though. I have to run now (no, literally). I'll be sure to keep you posted on all else that's going on. Thank you for being such loyal fans. Autograph session will be held after the show.
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