A picture paints 1000 words.
What about 32 of them then?
I know it feels like I'm turning this into a photoblog, but heck, it's MINE I can do whatever I want with it.

Look at the beautiful view from the beach. Rachael took these shots.

How can you not love living in a place this beautiful?

The crabs decided to come out and play while we were sitting on the shore. They were teeny tiny. Rachael captured this one too.

Rachael just started a blog and she needed pictures. Since I love taking them, we had fun.

Where do you think the story Sleeping Beauty originated from?

This is my favorite one of her.

Look at the waves!!! (Pun intended)

How about CLOSE up?

Hmmm. This makes a pretty picture...

[insert witty caption here]

I wonder how else I can waste bandwith...

How about this?

Since we're on the funky angle theme...

I didn't know which way to rotate this picture!

And of course, we had to have one with the two of us together.

Wait a minute... this blog is about me after all. Can you say "Hawaiiiiiiiii"....?

Just me and my shadow.

Me in one of my swimsuits. YES I wear a one piece. You can see my tourguide tan just below my neck with the neckline from my uniform and the seashell flower from the necklace. Eck!!!

Another one of me for good luck.

Look at that. A cute guy on the beach. Awwww....

Can you help but want to kiss that gorgeous face?

This is Mark building the wall that we finally made to be nearly 2 feet tall and as strong sand could get.

As usual, one picture isn't enough.

Tired of pictures of my boyfriend yet?

Have some more!

You can see the pewter medallion he wears all the time. It's a celtic cross or something. I love seeing it on him.

Another one close up!!!

I just love this picture. I don't know why.

I can't decide which my favorite part of the picture is: the beautiful beach, or that lucious behind! (Nope, you can't have him, he's all MINE!)

Here he is again, the object of my obsession.

King of my heart. Even in bad camera angles.

One day we're going to look back and be amazed at how happy we were. Right now, I'm just going to enjoy it.
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