When sparks fly.
Yesterday was a great day.
My tour went well, after 2 not-so-good days, it was definitely welcome. Dinner was strangely satisfying, even though it was only corned beef and cabbage. During dinner, the TV was tuned to Discovery at the cafeteria and I got sucked into watching a few episodes of their detective stories.
They turn off the TV 1/2 hour before the caf closes so I quickly called dinner done and literally ran back to the dorm so I could catch the last half of the show. It was pretty pathetic but provided Mark and Reed with a good laugh.
It was a nice change of pace to watch a couple of hours of TV. I used to be quite the junkie at home watching everything that came on from 8-2am, even the re-runs. Last night reminded me of home.
Once the second hour of TV was over, Reed hurried to turn it off so I wouldn't get sucked into a third hour. Heh. They were playing card games like Cribbage and Poker the whole time. Poor guys. After that, we played Skip-Bo and Jenga at the same time. I tried to get out a tricky piece from the tower in Jenga and Reed bet me a candy bar if I could get it out within 10 seconds. (It was 7 at first, but I got bargained for 3 more) I got lucky and got it out within 2.
Next time around, Scott bet me a candy bar for another really tricky piece. I still don't know how I managed to do it, having shifted the entire structure around with my peice, but well, the official word is that I acutally do control gravity.
We made a trip to Foodland (which we were planning to do anyway - hench the candy bars) and that's where I saw the firecrackers they had at the store. I invested 6 dollars on some "Morning Glories" and "Cuckoos".
It was fun to see how I wasn't the only one excited about fireworks. They are illegal in Malaysia so I haven't played with any for the longest time.
I've changed the name of this blog because Reed commented that I really am a little princess. You should've seen me at the toy store and Price Busters the other day, wishing I could be a mom so I could buy all the toys that I didn't have as a kid. My children will be way too spoiled.
Anyway, here are some pictures of last night. After midnight, of course, because it would have been too weird to set off fireworks on the EVE of July 4th.

Scott nearly went insane with all the explosives around him.

I got some "Cuckoos" which produced awesome spurts of sound and light. We even woke the birds in the nearby trees and put them in a state of chirping frenzy. I felt quite guilty about that actually.

Sparklies and magic wands all around! Notice Reed and Rachael on the far left of the picture. Hehehe.

And there they are again.

Setting off sparklies and firecrackers on our favorite teenage-slasher-movie lane brought some slight misfortune. A minivan drove by and egged us. And of course, they got the most innocent one, Su. She's always been appointed first to day in a slasher movie though, so it was rather appropriate. I wish they had gotten anyone else but her. Oh well. They did drive back to apologize so I felt just a little better after.
*Sigh* Fun times. It's kind of sad to notice however, how shallow my posts are becoming, due not only to the lack of time to blog, but also the lack of time to ponder. I am having fun here, as you can see and I couldn't think of anything else to ask for. At the same time, I feel like I'm growing younger everyday.
I was talking to some other tour guides while our guests were at shows yesterday and somehow talk about age came up. I asked Dwain how old he felt he was in comparison to his age. I don't remember what his answer was but I remember mentioning that I feel alot younger than 20. Sometimes I feel like a 6 year old, easily excited over the littlest things, sometimes, like a teenager with both drama and great times.
This is kind of a strange feeling to me because for most of my life, I always felt like an adult trapped in a child's body. I felt ready to be grown up. I felt that I was more mature than others my age. I was told that often too, by my parents - which probably led me to believe so more than ever.
Maybe it's maturity in me to see that I'm not as mature as I'd like to be. Contradicting as my last sentence was. I still want to be more mature than others my age. I know that I don't compare to Su in maturity, and she's younger.
I'm not too sure at this point if this is really all that bad. It's a desirable thing to always stay young at heart. There is a sort of vibrancy and simplicity I want to maintain. At the same time, I don't want to be shallow or immature. I know that while I was at home, I was working and although was still living with my family, I was forced to become somewhat of an adult, socializing with people who were older and further ahead in life than me at church, and being responsible for Young Women just a few years younger than I was. Leaving the nursery helped too.
College is a stage in life of its own. Not that we're immature per se, but we have very little responsibility, have mostly gotten past the teenage challenge of social awkwardness, don't need to deal with parents for the most part, and are in an interphase, between making important life-changing decisions. Being around people who are in the same setting also really encourages fun and laughter. That's what college is for me right now, anyway. I suppose I should feel more responsible than I do.
I'd like to think that beyond all that, though, there is a part of me that still appreciates the more serious things in life. Thankfully, not all my relations are as shallow. Mark and I maintain a deep relationship and during our quiet/alone time at night, we have a chance to seriously discuss things, and sometimes speculate at life.
I also need to give credit to the huge role religion plays in all our lives here at BYU-Hawaii for keeping us in check when it comes to spriitual and more eternal things in life.
I wonder if anyone has ever figured out how to balance out the child and adult in them. I hope at some point I can master it. I guess I'm not the only one who struggles with the balancing act of life.
Anyway, enough of pondering and being serious. I'm now going to meet my boyfriend, eat dinner, and maybe try to get a game of Guesstures started tonight.
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