I am beautiful because...
(a post inspired by Introspectre)
1) Hello, do you see what I see in the mirror everyday?.
2) I have a firm testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
3) I have an orange slice smile =D
4) I only wear makeup on Sundays and special occasions
5) I am not afraid to be a tanned Chinese.
6) I think that the food in the cafeteria is actually good.
7) I love making little children smile.
8) My family means the world to me
9) I take time to develop my musical talents.
10) I have an appreciation for the beauty around me.
11) I love my life!
12) I’m saving myself for marriage.
13) I can sing on pitch – most of the time
14) I can weave kissing fish out of coconut leaves
15) I sing Christmas carols all year long
16) I have a cool answering machine message
17) I love poetry
18) I try hard to be good at everything I do
19) I am honest and hand in my tips at work
20) I embrace the nerd in me
21) of my exotic Asian ethnicity
22) and my fake American accent
23) I have been unpopular before
24) I love making new friends
25) I love to dress up for no reason
26) I did an awesome acting job in the movie “Shadows”
27) I am not afraid of leeches
28) I’ve completely embraced the woman in me
29) I rescue homeless kitties
30) I love a good cry
31) I am not afraid to look silly when I dance (only when I play sports)
32) Mom and Dad were willing to pay for braces. Hehe.
33) I got a 97% on my last comprehensive Biopsychology test. And I'm modest about it too.
34) I usually remember to put on deodorant
35) I think Jazz is the coolest kind of music in the world
36) I speak four languages
37) I try to be kind to everyone
38) I appreciate the deeper things in life
39) I am not afraid to admit to my faults
40) Or my strengths
41) I listen to myself
42) I can suck on my toes
43) I learned not to be camera-shy
44) I like pretty things like rainbows, starlit nights and sunsets.
45) I don’t set my heart on material things
46) I have little quirks that make it easy to tease me
47) I secretly enjoy being teased
48) I am unique
49) I know that I am a special daughter of God
50) I love myself
I am beautiful because I know it.
Ok, this blog requires audience participation. Ready?
1) Make your own list. However long you can.
2) Add to mine.
Happy love yourself day!
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12/23/2004 11:18:00 AM
I think your special because your beautiful personality shines bright even in the darkest of times.
Kirill | 09.16.04 - 6:20 pm | #
You know, since I made that blog, I've been thinking I need to make that into a full length list.
I think I shall.
I think I shall.
introspectre | Homepage | 09.17.04 - 3:33 pm | #
ps) #12 choked me up. I wanted to. Didn't turn out that way (reading my blog, I'm sure you know why). Just kinda gave up at that point.
But I am reassured and inspired that some women still get to.
Thanks. Seriously. It's a beautiful thing.
introspectre | Homepage | 09.18.04 - 6:03 am | #
So glad to see that you made a list of your own. I loved all that you put on there.
In regards to #12, thanks. It's enough of a challenge to do it without being ridiculed by everyone else.
I have to say though, that I didn't have a clean start. By choice. I've made mistakes, but to me what's most important is what I choose to do with myself from this time forth.
I guess all I'm saying is that where giving your virginity to your spouse is ideal, when that no longer is an option, as long as you treat yourself and your body with respect, you still have something very precious to offer that special someone. That's what I'm working on.
Faye | Email | Homepage | 09.19.04 - 2:02 am | #
For "19 again" (wink) you endlessly impress me, Faye.
I stand behind you absolutely.
(introspectre salutes!)
introspectre | Homepage | 09.19.04 - 4:51 pm | #
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