Faye-flavored Heaven slice.
Judge blogged today about what his heaven would be like. I had to write an in-class essay more than a year ago about what MY heaven would be like for an English class (we were reading "The Lovely Bones") but I didn't put enough thought into it.
I figure since I just got done with a really satisfying conversation over Yahoo with a certain someone, I am in the right frame of mind to think about my Heaven.
The first thing I could think of was children. My heaven will be constantly filled with the light hearted laughter of children. We will be blowing soap bubbles a lot. In fact, it would almost constantly fill the air. There would be soft green grass all around and maybe in some places for variety, I'd have a patch of bubble-wrap to play on for everyone's popping pleasure.
There will be animals too. All the kittens, dogs and bunnies I have loved before will be there - and will get along with each other. They'll love human contact and we'll be able to understand each other.
Of course, in my girly Heaven, there will be flowers that grow wild so I will never have trouble finding one to match my outfit when I want to wear one on my ear. The sky will be mostly clear and blue with a Hawaiian sunset every evening. It'll be dark enough to see the stars every night.
It will be warm and sunny most of the time, but it'd get cooler at night so we could put on warmer clothes and cuddle by the fireplace and have an excuse to drink hot cocoa with marshmallows.
It'll rain too though. Light drizzles sometimes and other times it would thunder so loud and lighting would lash out in such a scary way that we would huddle up together for comfort. Instead of water, it could rain something different every time. Maybe lemonade, maybe gummy bears. Anything yummy. Every rainfall would be a treat. We'd go play in the rain alot. Blow bubbles in it, even. Get really wet and sloshy and then go home and take a nice hot bubble bath after. Except the bath has the foam you get from root beer floats that you can eat. While the children are still playing in the bathtubs, I'd start the fireplace and make hot chocolate for everyone while we waited for the rain to stop so we could ride the rainbow slide aftwerwards.
On hot days, we'd turn on the sprinklers, grab a hose or two and do the same.
I will also have a husband. I can't imagine having Heaven without one. He will be there laughing along with the children and making them giggle. He'll maybe read stories to them from the toilet while they sat on their potties. Dad used to do that with my sister and I when we were little.
In my house, there will be a huge library. Much like the one from Beauty and the Beast where you can read/learn about anything and everything. Except you'd be able to locate just what you're looking for without any difficulty.
Outside there would be a gigantic oak tree with a big tree house and a rope swing hanging from its branches. Also in my garden, besides flowers, would be fruit trees and vines. The more you pick them, the more they'd grow. There would be running water around my house. Like a stream with koi fish in it and a huge thundering waterfall with ledges you could jump of like in Maunawili, and the clearest coolest water we could drink from.
There would definitely have to be mountains in the background. Like the volcanic mountains I can see right outside my window here.
In my Heaven, we would take naps every afternoon.
Music will also be a huge part of Heaven. We would all have beautiful voices and be able to play any instrument we wanted to well. We'd gather around my grand piano or my harp (yes, I'm embracing the cliche - I love harp music) and just sing. We'd play and sing everything. Christmas carols, jazz, rock music, church songs, love songs.
Like Judge, there's going to be a ton of dancing going on. Sometimes something simple like "ring-around-a-rosie" and others, ballroom dancing or swing. Tango. Definitely. There'd be concerts all the time. There would be people there we could make music for or watch them perform for us.
In my Heaven, we would also play alot of games. We'd never get bored of Taboo or Guesstures. Or we'd just never run out of ideas for fun games to play. We'd fly kites alot too. And they'll actually stay up.
In the evenings at sunset, or later at night under the stars, we'd sit and watch while talking about philosophy, life, love and deeper things.
You'd never need a camera to capture the moments there. All you need are your senses. You'd be able to store memories with your eyes. You could capture emotions, smells, sights and sounds within those memories and play them back on a big screen for everyone to watch.
There would be so much more to my Heaven. I don't have time to plan it all out right now. In this less than perfect world, people actually need to sleep at night.
I hope that when I wake up every morning, I'll be able to find a little slice of that Heaven already in my life.
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12/23/2004 11:23:00 AM
No thanks to harp music all the time. Once in a while is good. Rain? Love it! But i think that shoveling the driveway after a gummy bear storm might get old fast. I'd hate getting sticky in a chocolate rain storm. Dancing? Yeah, In heaven I might have a shot at being good at it! And who ever got tired of Taboo here? Not me. Ditto on the spouce thing. gotta have it. All in all, I might be ok with your heaven, I haven't put that much thought into mine yet.
Jared | 10.29.04 - 9:53 am | #
You had a Yahoo conversation with Jesus?
lsob | 10.29.04 - 3:17 pm | #
you defined heaven fot me too
Lim Kheng sAIK | 10.29.04 - 6:39 pm | #
HEy Jared, so is that her Heaven or yours two?
Anonymous | 10.29.04 - 6:47 pm | #
You've already tasted heaven!!
Singapore girl | 10.30.04 - 7:15 am | #
It's true though. Heaven isn't anything extraordinary really. Mine is most just made of a collection of all my happy thoughts and my best memories. Plus a few extras on the side.
Heaven on earth is a state of mind. You can find it here everyday. Just like you can find hell here everyday.
There will be a much better place in store for all of us in the end, I'm sure of that, but those who can find joy here will be so much happier with their reward.
In that sense, their reward will be greater.
Faye | Email | Homepage | 10.30.04 - 1:33 pm | #
Not all of us Faye, I'll probably end up in Purgatory. lol
lsob | 10.30.04 - 7:35 pm | #
My Heaven will be the one like the life on earth, except that I will have someone really love me, not only with his mouth and his words. If I had him, the life I am having now is my heaven, no matter what happen or no matter how hard it gonna be
Anonymous | 10.30.04 - 8:10 pm | #
It'll be great if we could eat whenever we want and whatever we want. Something like you're never hungry nor full and you always have an appettite for food. Computer games. That's something nice to have in heaven It'll be great too if we could all do gymnastics without worrying about breaking our necks. Hey! What if we could FLY? Better still, what if we choose any age we want to be?
The list goes on and on...
Han | Email | 10.30.04 - 11:40 pm | #
I thought about computer games too, but honestly, as much as I love computers, my happiest moments are spent AWAY from it.
Social is good. Computer does not equal social.
Faye | Email | Homepage | 10.31.04 - 1:48 am | #
LSOB - if you did end up in purgatory, I'll betcha you'd be more happy and comfortable there than in a Heaven where they played harps and sang hymns all day.
"Anonymous" - Having that special someone is so vital to belonging and feeling complete. At the same time, while it can be hard, there is a way to have that heaven on earth without him or her.
I believe that as long as you have some form of intimacy with someone else in this world, everything is more bearable. Doesn't need to be a significant other: my family and my friends are my support. With people like them around, being single is so much easier.
Doesn't keep me from hoping for something more though. Nothing wrong with that.
Faye | Email | Homepage | 10.31.04 - 6:20 am | #
How many people are posting under "Anonymous" anyways?! Why all the secrecy... geez.
Faye | Email | Homepage | 10.31.04 - 6:21 am | #
Kheng Saik - You want a husband in heaven too? Hmmm...
Faye | Email | Homepage | 10.31.04 - 6:24 am | #
i did not say that must be a man...
Just saying, Iam in my Heaven whenever i feel happy.
hehe, so far, there is only one anonymous
Anonymous | 10.31.04 - 9:38 am | #
Going to heaven sounds like hard work.
me | 10.31.04 - 8:50 pm | #
You bet, "me"! And who said it was the indolent that will get there?
Singapore girl | 11.01.04 - 12:14 am | #
Posted by Anonymous
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