Food For Thought: The Cafeteria Chronicle
Blogger nerds unite!
As if recreating my blog wasn't enough for me to do, I was inspired by some of the collaborative blogs and the interesting discussions we've had in some posts, and have created brand new blog!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you
I've invited a few people in our social group who I thought might be interested in voicing their opinions and initiating some fun discussions to join. So far Erika, Judge, Jared, Shem and I are listed as contributors and Chris will officially be registered soon.
I was worried that my idea wouldn't get any support. Boy was I wrong! Within the first 24 hours, everyone I've invited, save one person, has accepted. Already I have posted twice, Jared once, and Shem (Shem, who I thought would be above blogging) posted a poem.
Right now, I'm kind of functioning as editor and Jared has been working with me, chipping with some fun ideas and he did some blog tweaking on his end. I am extremely excited about the group of people I have to work with.
Chris is one of the wittiest people I know with a wonderfully cynical humor who knows alot about current events and star wars movies. He is more familiar with politics than any of us do, has an endless stock of good movie quotes and does great impressions with his voice.
Erika is an English Major very much involved with theatre. She is great at writing and is a woman with depth and intellect. Opiniated and strong willed, she is also very talented in photography. She knows how to work a Mac and can put together a great montage in less than an hour.
Jared is extremely multi-talented. He's a techy who knows more about computers than I do (it is his major after all), the "funny guy" in our social group with lots of fun ideas when it comes to web publishing. Also a great hook-up for good music and a great actor.
Judge is a deep thinker, very much accustomed to pondering the larger issues. (He was talking about doing a first post discussing stem-cell research) He is a philosopher, a seeker of world peace and an aspiring criminal law attorney who happens to take nice pictures. Also knows how to dance to swing and latino music.
Shem self-titled poet, roachslayer and first-class toast burner is wonderfully creative and fiercely protects his stance in many issues (he has a portable soap-box). He wrote, directed, filmed and edited the movie "The Nobody" starring Jared which was a huge hit. He writes songs and poetry, sings, plays guitar and acts. He has the heart of many women - especially my roommate's.
And then there's me, the relationship expert who really can talk and write ALOT and slaves for a blog - for fun!
Really, there couldn't be a better group of people put together for this. I mean, just look at them:
Jared and Shem with the thong and nylons Jared got from Justin for his birthday.
There may be some of you who after reading what we've published who want to be a part of it. I want to make sure everyone feels included, so just ask. Really, though, what we need aren't more writers, but more readers who are willing to comment and discuss the topics and issues we address. These topics may include politics. relationships, religion, ideals, TV show reviews, movies, 80s fashion, what the caf was serving that evening, the latest Strong Bad email... anything, really. It's our publication - we'll put in whatever we feel like.
We've already started some discussions so come join us, we'd love to hear what you think. Currently, the issues are geared more towards BYUH students, but as soon as everyone else starts posting, we may talk about all sorts of other things that involve the outside world as well. There will be something for everyone. Once we get rolling, I'm going to launch a publicity campaign or something and see if we can get the school newspaper to endorse us. I'm dreaming up so BIG things here. You can help us by building up our reader base.
Ok, enough said. Make sure you visit us at The Cafeteria Chronicle and tell all your friends about us! You will be enriched.
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11/19/2004 04:46:00 PM
Love the new look. I was about to give up on your blog because it doesn't seem to show so well on Mozilla Firefox (the web browser I'm using) until I switched to IE. So talented! Tata.
Posted by Lyanne
Posted by
11/19/2004 05:08:00 PM
Have I told you lately that I love you?
With all the ups and downs of life,
It's easy to forget the little things we said and did when you and I first met,
The way we always found the time to show how much we care.
We'd mess about...
And have laughed at silly jokes we shared.
Our lives have grown so busy, but...
If I stop and just review the life we had together,
I know how much I still love you.
though the days go rushing by,
I hope that...
You can see we have something really special
And in my heart, you'll always be... the girl I want
I love you.
Posted by Anonymous
Posted by
11/19/2004 08:13:00 PM
Wh-what was that all about?
Posted by Faye
Posted by
11/19/2004 08:49:00 PM
[goes through the names of all the people I know in my head]
Hmmm... nope, Richie doesn't start with J. Not Mark. Uhm... Jesus? Jared, JD, Judge, Big Justin, Hyper Justin, Jarett, Jed, Jake, Kiwi Jason, Car Jason - ooh, Joel? lol. Yeah. Right.
It's JOLLEY isn't it?!
Posted by Faye
Posted by
11/20/2004 06:45:00 PM
Wait a minute. Anna Nguyen Minh Ggoc - your name doesn't even have a single letter J in it!
Posted by Faye
Posted by
11/20/2004 06:46:00 PM
Ngoc, scuse me, typo.
Posted by Faye
Posted by
11/20/2004 06:52:00 PM
Hey, How can you know? really good!
Just trying to say that on behalf of my friend... just trying...
sorry ...
Anyway, Someone just doesnot dare to say it and even try, so i guess i just try for him, oh well, all what I planed just went wrong. no problem, there will be another plan... can you wait just 1 minute so i can think of something else.
Hey, you have to agree with me that hooking up people really fun...
Posted by Anna
Posted by
11/20/2004 06:57:00 PM
Anyway, finally, do you like that poem? oh well it is not mine, but I just see it so fit with what J is feeling right now, so just wanna "share" with someone. And if someone does not want to get it, it is OK. But ...
Posted by Anna again
Posted by
11/20/2004 08:46:00 PM
Actually, it's not a poem as much as it's a song by Rod Stewart. It's called "have I told you lately" from early 90's. Good Song, but sorry anna, posting it like this is not my style. Faye saw right through it.
On a much more urgent note, have you seen what your blog looks like on Mozilla, Faye? You MUST fix it. Something is very, very wrong! I thought your blog was under construction or something. Check it out to see what I mean.
Posted by Jared
Posted by
11/21/2004 01:45:00 AM
To Jared,
You know what. i dont think this is the song you talking about. wneyou tell me the website to check out the song, the words are quite different from this "what-I-call' poem. That's why I use it. I dont think you guys have two songs "Have i told you lately"... Maybe i am wrong but it is not the song i ask you.
Posted by Anna
Posted by
11/21/2004 08:32:00 AM
Jared, I'm ashamed at your song knowledge.
I thought it was the lyrics when I saw the first line, but the second line wasn't "Have I told you there's no one else above you?" and it really bugged me. It's from Rod Stewart's album in 1991, so you got the time period right, but the poem didn't even rhyme and his song did. It helps to actually know the song and have the words somewhat memorized. Do your research next time!
Posted by Faye
Posted by
11/21/2004 11:09:00 AM
Posted by Anna
Posted by
11/21/2004 03:37:00 PM
Well, in my defence, I did not even read past the first line. Anna called me the other day to aske me what song starts with that line. I gave her an address to the lyrics. I assumed that is what she cut and pasted. Had I read past the first line, I probably would have known. But you do have to give me credit for knowing off the top of my head when it came out... right?
So anna, what song is it?
Posted by Jared
Posted by
11/22/2004 04:24:00 AM
what song it is...uhmm let me think...i dont think if I dont have to think.... Ah, Jared's forever-love song. One more for you all:
I want to forget
Those days we once had
When you were
Everything to me
My mind used to tell me that
Nothing will change forever
But now I realize
It was just a big empty fairy tale
My heart was even since shattered into a million pieces
I sometimes wonder if you,
Still think of me,
Or just feel that I am a face in a crowd.
I know it’s just my wishful thinking
But when I wish it could last
It ended fast.
For now, I sat here silently
Remembering all the memories we once shared
Maybe that’s what I feel, not you.
I am so hurt
Hoping you to put back the pieces of mine broken heart.
How do you think? Not my poem either ( I am not a poet, excuse me), but your feelings (sorry).
I think I am so annoyed these days, sorry, nothing to do. In my country, we say: when you dont have anything to do, you will think of a lot of annoyed and stupid things to do. Oh well, I guess...
Sorry Faye, this will be the last poem I post in your comment for jared.
Posted by Anna
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