Oh happy day!
How would you react if you found out that the person you spent the last month trying to "hook up" with (and couldn't because you thought he was hung up over a girl far away) just got a new girlfriend - some other girl he just met two weeks ago - and had talked about her to you, except he had misled you into thinking that he was talking about his new guitar (which was probably named after her) the whole time?
Phew that was a long sentence. Once you've decoded what I just said, you'll know what happened to me.
Strangely, I am not surprised - nor am I hurt.
It's confusing because I feel that I should be, but I'm not. While he did lead me on just a little bit at the beginning, there were too many red lights along the way and I managed to protect myself from getting hurt.
It's kind of hard to think about not being attractive enough to someone to be their first choice. However, it isn't crushing news. I have enough self-esteem - or pride - to look at it as his loss, not mine. There was something missing between us anyway. We were too different. He made the right choice, I think. I'd rather it be that I was the right choice, but I can't say I know that for sure.
In a way, I'm glad that he's getting together with a girl who is from here, closer by, and has more in common with him than the other girl or I did. I haven't met her yet, nor do I know much about her at all, but I like her already.
All I am saying is that I am happy for Richie. By golly, I think I've moved on! I wish him nothing but the best, and her: a ring by Spring.
This news didn't ruin the good day I started out having. I'm grateful.

Mama Jolley and I after church today.
You should have seen how happy she was earlier today. Whoah! She was all giggly when she was getting dressed for church. She said "Oh, I just love Jesus this morning!" and the high lasted all through church and lunch. I wondered what she was smoking and why I didn't get offered any! She didn't need to though - whatever she had was contagious. I couldn't help but have a great day as well.

I wish we could be as happy as we were today everyday.
I have the awesomest roommate ever.
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