Artsy Fartsy
I feel so out of my comfort zone. I've spent most of tonight memorizing lines of Shakespeare, "window" shopping for batons and musical scores, downloading and listening to Felix Mendelssohn's Oratorio Elijah - and enjoying myself immensely.
Whoah. It's like I'm cultured or something.
I do feel very much like the square peg in a round whole in my conducting class. There are only 6 of us in the class. Everyone else is a music major. They sing and play all sorts of instruments and are used to having to get a hold of all sorts of expensive classical music. While I am very comfortable in my music theory classes, this feels very... high brow? to me. Either way, I am throroughly enjoying immersing myself into this culture. I hope that I will always make sure that this becomes a part of my life - and my family's life - for good.
Does it strike you as rather strange for me to have a love for human relationships and psychology, loud rock music, Homestar Runner, physics, Longfellow, jazz and classical music? I like the diversity in my interest. I feel like that's character. I just wish I understood better what these combinations of interests mean. Why they co-exist, where they come from etc.
Also interesting to note are the interest of the people I associate with: my friends. There are definite overlapping interests. Computers, gaming, blogging - but only since we've known each other - then theatre. I might be mistaken, but for the most part, I think we all like similar music. Are those similarities cultural? Did we gravitate towards each other because of our similarities. Or did we become like each other through spending time together? Do we even have any more in common than any 2 random people on the street do?
I love observing the dynamics of social life here on campus.
Ok. I'm really out of anything of importance to say and I'm not even half done with downloading Elijah. I sense that this will take a few days. Time to move on to other things besides blogging.
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1/13/2005 09:22:00 AM
Hey! You stole my blog post name! At least give me credit or something...
Posted by Jared
Posted by
1/13/2005 11:01:00 AM
Artsy Fartsy is fairly common and I am sure you did not give credit to the original source Jared so don't worry about it Faye. I don't know if that is how you spell it though.
Diverse in one way of looking at it but a controlled diversity begets balance and balance is good. So just make sure you have to controlled part and you are doing good Faye (I must say you aren't doing to bad on the controlled part but I am not questioning it, I am just stating).
Posted by a man from Saipan
Posted by
1/13/2005 06:59:00 PM
You remember the baton I bought for leading the congregational hymns when President Hinckley visited Singapore? It's sitting at home. You want me to send it? I can go through sis. archibald and might get there faster.
BTW, diversity runs thick in our blood....remember where you're born, how you're raised, where you went to school, etc..3 numbers to describe your heritage is just terribly insufficient!
I'm anxiously and patiently waiting for the real Fei I see in you to rise to the surface. I love you sweety.
Posted by mom
Posted by
1/13/2005 07:45:00 PM
Jared, Justin is right. You don't hold the copyright to the phrase. But I don't mean to give you any ideas.
Justin, how would you spell it?
Mom, the baton at home was one of the first things I thought of, actually. Dr. Bradford was thinking of something specific, though. It's only $30+, I am willing to pay for that because it's something I plan on keeping. It will just take a while before I get one. I also need a metronome. That one will take alot of saving up too, but it can be done. Is the baton at home 14"? Is the center of gravity right where the handle and the stick meet?
Posted by Faye
Posted by
1/13/2005 09:23:00 PM
*Scratches head*
How am I s'posed to know where the centre of gravity is? Can't past this physic test, i'm afraid. Hehehe
Ahhhh, I know, I know, the balancing act! heheheh. We share something in common--we're SMART girls!
Let you know in a bit
Posted by mom
Posted by
1/13/2005 09:36:00 PM
Check your email for the pix. I think both the baton and I past the test, hehehe.
To be exact, its 14 1/4" long. Let me know if I should ship it.
Posted by mom
Posted by
1/14/2005 03:21:00 AM
Hmmm... I guess I could use that, but I just made arrangements with my professor to babysit for him if he will buy me the "Mollard" baton like he wants us to have.
The metronome, I discovered, can be accessed through my computer. Ahhh the wonders of the internet.
Hehe. Aren't you the one who taught me about the center of gravity?
Posted by Faye
Posted by
1/14/2005 07:36:00 AM
Couldn't send you the pix...failed twice!!
Are both your hotmail and mail boxes full?
Posted by mom
Posted by
1/14/2005 02:25:00 PM has plenty of room. My hotmail account might be full... I don't get it. Try my account again. Or publish it somewhere. Thanks Mom!
Posted by Faye
Posted by
1/14/2005 10:24:00 PM
Thanks for putting one my absolute favorite songs on your blog, Faye.
Just know some crazy gal in Virginia Beach is cranking it up and crooning along.
This song came out when I met Mr. Wonderful. Ahhhhh. Or maybe I just noticed it then. (grin) I don't know which.
Posted by introspectre
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