The Missing Piece.
Today in Psychotherapy, Dr. Orr read us the best book ever written:

I laughed, I nearly cried, but mostly I just want to write pages and pages and pages about what the book says. Don't let its simplicity fool you, this wonderful book teaches some profound concepts and leaves so much room for interpretation. True to life metaphors.
Simply delightful.
Am very frustrated that I can't get a hold of this book online for free so I could link you to it. I'll pay for it someday, when I finally have $$$ again. Whatever you do, get a hold of it and read it. A blog-worthy book/movie is really something.
Yeah. That's the kind of book I will read to my children.
AHA! I finally found "The Missing Piece" published online somewhere. The WHOLE thing! But this is not the book we read in class, this is the first book. It has the same magic, but a slightly different message.
Read it here!!!
Bad luck: the entire site is in another language so even if the second book WAS published there, I can't browse the site for it! Grr! I did find the text for "The Missing Piece Meets the Big O" ironically, also on a site in another language. Man, this Shel Silverstein guy is popular!
The text by itself doesn't contain the magic of the illustrations (you may not understand it without the visuals). I don't want to ruin the experience for anyone, so I'll hide the text and you can choose to read it now or do otherwise.
by Shel Silverstein.
The misssing piece sat alone...
waiting for someone to come along and take it somewhere
Some fit...
but could not roll.
Others could roll but did not fit.
One didn’t know a thing about fitting.
And another didn’t know a thing about anything.
One was too delicate.
One put it on pedestal...
and left it there.
Some had too many pieces missing.
Some had too many pieces ,period.
It learned to hide from the hungry ones.
More came.
Some looked too closely. AHA!
Others rolled right by without noticing. HI...?
It tried to make itself more attractive...
It didn’t help.
It tried being flashy
but that frightened away the shy ones.
At last one came along that fit just right.
But all of sudden...
the missing piece bigan to grow!
And grow!
“I didn’t know you were going to grow.”
“I didn’t know it either,”said the missing piece.
“I’m lookin’ for my missin’ piece,
one that won’t increase...” BYE...
And then one day,
one came along who looked different.
“What do you want of me?”asked the missing piece.
“Who do you need from me?”
“Who are you?”asked the missing piece.
“I am the Big O,”said the Big O.
“I think you are the one I have been waiting for,”
said the missing piece.
“Maybe I am your missing piece.”
“But I am not missing a piece,”said the Big O.
“There is no place you would fit.”
“That is too bad,”said the missing piece.
“I was hoping that perhaps I could roll with you...”
“You cannot roll with me,”said the Big O.
“but perhaps you can roll by yourself.”
“By myself? A missing piece cannot roll by itself.”
“Have you ever tried?”asked the Big O.
“But I have sharp corners,”said the missing piece.
“I am not shaped for rolling.”
“Corners wear off,”said the Big O.
“and shapes change. Anyhow,I must say good―bye.
Perhaps we will meet again...”
And away it rolled.
The the missing piece was alone again.
For a long time it just sat there.
it lifted itself up on one end...
...and flpped over.PLOP!
Then lift...pull...flop...
it began to move forward...
And soon its edgs began to wear off...
and its shape began to change...
and the it was bumping instead of flopping...
and then it was bouncing instead of bumping...
and then it was rolling instead of bouncing...
and it didn’t know where and it didn’t care.
It was rolling!
If you are interested, someone took a few snapshots of the pages. At least I recognize that this site is in Japanese. I couldn't even identify the other language.
*sigh* The world needs more books like these.
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2/10/2005 10:53:00 PM
I have always been a fan his Shel Silverstien. I have some good memories of growing up and hearing his poems from "where the side walk ends" and "the light in the attic". "What... whats that you say.... you say... today is saturday.. Good bye I'm going out to play"
Posted by Kirill
Posted by
2/11/2005 07:53:00 AM
I too really enjoyed "Where the Sidewalk Ends" and "A Light in the Attic." I also enjoyed "The Giving Tree." You really should check them out Faye Faye. Oh, and make sure you read "Fancy Dive"(I think that's the name of it.) I had to memorize that one in fifth grade and I still remember it and can recite it verbatim!!! That's how awesome his work is. "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my toys to none of the other kids can use them. Amen."(Not sure if the punctuation and whatnot is right, but you get the picture.) It's just great!!! :)
Posted by Rachael
Posted by
2/11/2005 08:16:00 AM
I too really enjoyed "Where the Sidewalk Ends" and "A Light in the Attic." I also enjoyed "The Giving Tree." You really should check them out Faye Faye. Oh, and make sure you read "Fancy Dive"(I think that's the name of it.) I had to memorize that one in fifth grade and I still remember it and can recite it verbatim!!! That's how awesome his work is. "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my toys to none of the other kids can use them. Amen."(Not sure if the punctuation and whatnot is right, but you get the picture.) It's just great!!! :)
Posted by Rachael
Posted by
2/11/2005 08:44:00 AM
Sorry about that, had troubles with the posting and everything. :) It went a bit wacked out one me.
Posted by Rachael
Posted by
2/11/2005 08:47:00 AM
*on*........that's supposed to read "...on me." LOL I am just having troubles today..... :-p
Posted by Rachael
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2/12/2005 12:02:00 PM
I always liked Falling Up. Anyone notice the uncanny resemblance between TheBigO and Pacman? Separated at.....birth?
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