Tears and two happy little feet.
Expecting to get pun-accompanied candy for passing white gloves after dinner yesterday, this was what I found waiting for me instead.

The first thing I thought was "WHOAH, the RAs are giving out FLIP-FLOPS this month?!" Then found out that the candy had been overshadowed by the gift.
Inside the card were little notes from most of my friends here.

I had to sit down and cry for a minute.
I had started writing a longer post on this, but my browser K-Oed on me and I suppose I'll take it as a sign. I want to write something beautiful, like all those Christmas miracle stories - becuase this sure feels like one. Except that it's not Christmas, or my birthday.
How did you know I was having a bad day? That my flip-flops had snapped and died before dinner?
I feel somewhat inadequate and guilty to have be showered with such love. I know it might have been a small gesture on your part, but being surprised with something you need that you can't afford to buy for yourself (I was going to spray paint my slippers black just so they could be part of the dress code at work) fills my heart with so much gratitude words cannot express.
It's not that I've doubted that I have true friends here, but getting a little reminder just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I guess I just really wanted to say thank you, everyone. And that Emily is the best roommate in the world.
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2/04/2005 04:25:00 PM
I would like to agree that Jolley is the greatest girl EVER!! I would never have thought of that. She's incredibly aware sometimes, surprising....heheh...I'm glad you've figured out again that we are your true friends. I agree it's nice to be reminded sometimes. I usually don't wait for reminders though, I flat out ask....teehee!
Posted by Capt. Caf
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2/04/2005 04:27:00 PM
It is because we love you Faye. And we are glad that you are our friend. So now you have something to remeber us everyday when you walk to work. Especially Jolley she is the best.
Posted by E
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