A picture paints a thousand words.
I didn't remember to take pictures till towards the end of the party and the little I have won't interest you. However, I did let my brother Ray (he's 6)(yes he's just as cheeky as he looks) mess with my mom's digital camera when I was done with it. Imagine my shock when I finally saw what he had taken.
Brace yourself.
Oh wow. King Saik. Nice... good choice of someone to take a picture of too, Ray.
Loh. I neglected to take a pic of him. I suppose this'll have to do. Besides, he's really tall - this about captured it.
Uhm... ok. Very - uh - artistic!
And finally the clincher? You ready for this?
A picture paints a thousand words - but all I could think of was "WAAAUGH!"
I swear! It was Ray!!!
I wonder whose that was....
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