Friday, March 19, 2004


I always spend about 20-30 mins talking to Rachel before tucking her in when I babysit every Friday night since she's 12 and bedtime is later for her. She mostly talks about the pantomime she's in. She always has ONE thing (and one thing only) that she talks about. Pantomime (or Panto for short, she reminds me) is the latest thing and has gone on for a couple of months now. Before that, it was recorder, before that was soccer, and before that was David Kono the guy she likes in school.

It's not always fun to listen to her talk about the same things over and over again but I'm getting really excited about the relationship we're developing because of it. Just last week, we sort of made a pact to be sisters to each other. She's the only girl in her family and wishes for an older sister. I've always wanted a little sister (ok, so I have one and she's just AWESOME but sometimes I feel like she's an older sister - being a year apart and all, ya know?) Plus, says Rachel, we're both Chinese and Mormon. Perfect. =)

Today, I helped her with her pimple cream (as if I know anything about getting rid of acne) and talked her into showing her teeth when she smiles because it's prettier. Her parents are getting her braces soon.

We also talked about her adoption a great deal. The Whitakers adopted her while they were in China (he works for the American Embassy) and well, I guess she's never addressed the issue around them. You know, stuff about her biological parents, why they "got rid" of her. I did my best explaining She expressed a desire to learn Chinese and I think that's just awesome. It'll be a great way for her to really discovering herself. She also wants to recycle. I hope she talks to her parents about all that. I've been meaning to talk to Sister Whitaker about stuff but I don't know how to get around to it. I've talked to her about some things but I don't want to come off as telling them how to do their job or something you know. They are great parents. It's just that with 5 other kids, some things fall through the cracks. I'll work up the nerve on Sunday.

Rachel will be performing in the patomime "Jack and the Beanstalk" as the villager on Monday and Tuesday. I just got my ticket for Tuesday today - I'm so excited! Would it be too much to get her a lei or a bouquet for her one line in the performance: "Do you mean the catapult?" (and for being in charge of 3 props: the daisy, the barrel and one other thing I can't remember). I don't want to embarass her or anything.

"You act like a parent," Rachel commented tonight, "You should be one." Wow. You think? Is it sad that I take that as a HUGE compliment?