It's all about the $$$$$$!!!
I've spent some time working out a list of stuff I need to buy before leaving for Hawaii and after arriving there. Since I don't know how to publish the table here, I have to link the page:
I've estimated that I need to spend at least another RM 200, plus US$ 100 on just necessities. Add a couple of extras in plus the stuff I don't know the price for, it would probably come up to RM300, plus US$ 150.
Put them all in a heap and we have a total of RM 870 or US$ 230!!! I guess I can forget about putting aside extra money to stock up on music CDs and DVDs to bring over there.
I haven't even counted in books and insurance money yet!
Technically, I don't need all the things I've listed down, but they sure would be useful to have.
Since you guys are so cool, why not exercise a little generousity and

Your littlest contributions will make a world of difference for a needy little girl in an Islamic 3rd world country.
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