White Glove analogy.
My room looks nothing like it usually does today because I spent just a little bit of time getting it to look respectable for our white glove inspection. Monthly ritual. Usually, I was in the habit of stuffing as much of my crap as possible into my cabinets and trying to get them to shut so my room takes on the appearance of order.
It's rather shameful to admit how much what my room looks like says about all aspects of my life.
I looked over at my roommate's side of the room while desperately trying to clean up mine in time - it was spic and span. Didn't take her long either. It gave me a small epiphany. Similar to one I had when I drew the analogy with a messy bag and rotten leftovers back in February last year, but with a slightly different viewpoint this time.
What makes my room an absolute horrible mess above that of most other people isn't because I have waaaay more things than they do, or because I use my room or my things more, it's because I don't put away what I pull out.
Things hidden away in my closets and drawers mostly aren't organized to begin with and in trying to look for something, I almost always make a mess. That's fine. Many people overturn their houses trying to locate their keys. What makes the difference is whether or not they clean up after themselves as soon as they do.
I have been in the habit of letting my clutter accumulate for weeks. Instead of constantly putting things away, my tolerance level increased with the chaos. It got to a point where something would spill on the floor - a box of pencils, pictures, earrings etc. and I could ignore it and leave it there for another couple of weeks or more. Pretty bad, no?
Compare that to life. How many times have I increased my tolerance for sin to suit my sloppy unrepentant lifestyle? I create a mess with my life and I just leave it as is. Cluttered, disorganized. Can't find a thing I need. Then trying to hide everything to take on the appearance of cleanliness and purity.
Life isn't about how many times you mess up. Or how big a mess you make each time. At the end of the day, it's whether or not we've cleaned up after ourselves. Do we keep it mostly messy, or mostly clean? Is every aspect of our lives in order, or are we simply sweeping past sins under the rug, leaving them to resurface in the future? How long do we wait before we sort things out before the Lord?
When the Lord suddenly makes his "white glove" inspection, will I need 15 more minutes to clean up?
This isn't a completely new idea. It's just a reminder to me that there are many things which I need to be doing differently. I am not going to be a neat freak by the next white glove, but I can start by making my bed every morning, doing my laundry on a regular basis. Repenting of my trespasses before they get bigger and I become accustomed to living a life waist-deep in crap.
Heaven is for neat freaks. I better become one soon, or I'd be pretty uncomfortable there.
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1/13/2005 09:11:00 PM
In the words of Moe Sizlack’s Bartending Professor,”De-clutter your hole, and you will de-clutter your soul."
I found that quote in Rusch's entry in the Cafe. That's really a nutshell.
Posted by YKW
Posted by
1/14/2005 05:30:00 AM
you're a great writer. and the winner for most appropriate Simpsons quoatation usage for 2005... already is locked up by YKW. (=You Know Who?).
Posted by norm
Posted by
1/14/2005 11:14:00 AM
You know Faye, I wasn't always a clean freak... in my room or spiritually. I only started to keep my room clean after completing the repentance process. Never realized it, but it is true. I wonder if they are really interrelated. That would be an interesting thing to find out.
I like how you said, "When the Lord suddenly makes his "white glove" inspection, will I need 15 more minutes to clean up?" That is a good way to think about it I guess, because would he give us those 15 minutes? I am sure that we all hope so.
Posted by Momma Jolley
Posted by
1/14/2005 11:34:00 AM
Off the subject but I was reading someone elses blog and you said you had posted some pics so I thought I'd check them out. Not that it matters what I say but I have to say it! Out of the three guys you have pics with my vote is for Jared!
Posted by Allison
Posted by
1/14/2005 03:48:00 PM
Didnt i comment? opps. yea i am clean freak. but i think that is because of my dad. But i think i can just think more clearly when my living space is clean. it is also a way i procrastinate. My mum gets made when i clean the kitchen cause she knows i am procrastinating, but it is kind of relaxing to.
well hope you did good on the test hun. see ya ltr
Posted by E
Posted by
1/14/2005 08:31:00 PM
ok so i totally agree with E and Jolley. at first i read your blog and i was all like "wow. you know i've been keeping all my stuff neater ever since i started keeping my spirituallity cleaner." but then i though that i was just being a nut job. leave it to Jolley to change my mind. but it is in no way a general indicator of spirituallity. i kow many people that are SUPER neat but have major issues, and like E i clean to put off homework. oh well it's still productive right? even if is in the wrong area at the wrong time. anyway love you faye faye
Posted by wolffy
Posted by
1/14/2005 10:17:00 PM
>>>stands to applaud<<<<<<<
Bravo, Faye! Excellent insightful connection!
You endlessly impress me.
I've been in a get-rid-of-it mode for the last year or so, and it's awesome. I'm still finding things hidden away. Last night I went through my sewing basket and found the patches I planned on sewing on my jeans when I was 16 years old.....(rolls eyes with a most embarrassed grin)..... Amazing.
My point is that my life is extremely organized and tidy at the end of the day. And I think it frees me up to concentrate on the things that ARE actually important, istead of the million and one things I use to distract myself with.
It makes me feel much closer to *God*, in every way. And that is a beautiful feeling.
~happy sigh~
Posted by introspectre
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