So they tell me that I'm a catch...
Quiz to a better Relationship
eXpressive: 6/10
Practical: 6/10
Physical: 2/10
Giver: 6/10
You are a XPIG--Expressive Practical Intellectual Giver. This makes you a Catch.
You are a magazine-cover, matinee idol dreamboat. Parents love you and want to set you up with their kids. However, first dates are tough because it takes time for your qualities to come out.
You are generous and kind. You think first and act later. [Oh... so untrue!] You are cool in a conflict, but your practical side means if your partner throws out emotional appeals ("why can't we do what I want for a change?") they will grate on your nerves, even when the conflict is resolved. [Huh?]
You're a romantic. You enjoy the thrill of the hunt [too true!], and you don't just fall into bed with anyone. You pay close attention to your significant other's needs, and this makes you an excellent lover and partner. The problem is that your friends and lovers may find it so easy to express things to *you* that they lose sight of whether you feel as comfortable with *them*! This doesn't necessarily make you feel under-appreciated -- you're too well-adjusted and self-aware for that -- but you may feel restless. Thus you seek adventure in your life outside the relationship to prove and actualize yourself. [Hmmm... China anyone?]
Of all the types, you would make the best parent.[Really?]
You are coiffed. [typed that into - couldn't find it!]
Didja see "Big Fish"? 'Cause you're like Ewan MacGregor in "Big Fish."
Of the 215504 people who have taken this quiz, 9.3 % are this type.
I don't think that is the best description of me. I wonder why we take all these quizzes to tell us who we are when we could do a much better job oursevles. Geez. I'm not sure which other answer suits me best, because they all have little elements of me in them. I'm not sure I agree with the dichotomies they put out.
eXpressive vs. Reserved
Practical vs. Sentimental
phYsical vs. Intellectual
Taker vs. Giver
There needs to be more middle ground.
However, after reading through the quiz key, and I found a couple that yelled out some names at me. For example:
You are a RSIT--Reserved Sentimental Intellectual Taker. This makes you a Archetypal Older Child.
You are a hard nut to crack. You have a wicked sense of humor. Despite your reserved nature, you are more comfortable (and successful) in the meeting and courting mode than you are in a long term relationship. You feel misunderstood, and usually you are.
When you're in a good mood, you're funny, fascinating and a sexy firecracker, but when you're in a bad mood you are moody, broody and impatient. In courtship mode, you don't have to let anyone see your moody side. If you had your way, even in a long term relationship you would have enough time apart to deal with your bad moods yourself; unfortunately, it rarely works that way.
You stifle *a lot* of anger and frustration -- from all areas of your life -- so when it comes out it comes out nasty. More than any other type, your conflicts tend to turn on one tiny thing -- the dishes, the laundry -- that's really a scapegoat for your larger dissatisfactions with your relationship. You're baffled that your partner just can't do the dishes -- your partner is baffled that it's such a big deal. The only way around it is to let the dishes go entirely and try to get at the real root of what's bothering you.
I'm making you sound like a bear, but the fact is that you're so warm and charming most of the time that it effectively offsets the times you're unhappy.
You will make a weirdly good parent.
Don't pair up with someone who'll make sexual demands of you. That's just not going to fly at all.
Of the 215508 people who have taken this quiz, 5.3 % are this type.
If that didn't remind you of Su, I don't know what will!
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4/01/2005 06:57:00 PM
Note: Some is more true than others, but I might be an XPIT.
a man from Saipan
eXpressive: 5/10
Practical: 9/10
Physical: 4/10
Giver: 2/10
You are a RPIT--Reserved Practical Intellectual Taker. This makes you a Love Geek.
Heh heh -- you love geek! You are weirdly sexy. It doesn't take people a long time to get to know you, but people *think* it takes a long time, because you are as cool and regulated after a year as you are on a first meeting. You don't tend to date casually -- you just suddenly find yourself in long term relationships.
Your approach to conflict is your greatest asset -- it complements almost every other type. You don't express yourself or your feelings in dramatic terms, but you will speak up to those who do. You are generally calm, but capable of ramping up, and you don't give up until the issue is resolved -- this means even the hottest temper or coolest conflict-avoider can feel comfortable pursuing their satisfaction with you. And you don't hold a grudge -- you get through it, and it's done. You rock.
You'd make an excellent parent.
You enjoy food and can be a ravenous eater. A good cook will get your attention quickly.
Of the 215624 people who have taken this quiz, 5.4 % are this type.
Posted by
4/01/2005 08:45:00 PM
That's the description Matt said I should have. Love Geek. The word geek appealed to me at first sight.
Hey, you cut out the part about the sex! Ah, the irony.
If you're a love geek (maybe) and I'm supposedly a love geek, maybe I should drop my Sex Bomb boyfriend and marry you instead.
Hmmm.... I don't know. At least the sex bomb guy wouldn't cut out the sex part. (There won't be any description left!)
Posted by
4/03/2005 11:11:00 AM
WARNING: The following might become bitter and turn on itself (proving Fei's point of view about me) so just close your eyes if motion sickness starts to befall you...Actually, just close your eyes NOW! unless you want to find out TOO much information about me..
Su Chong
READY?! I shall begin...
Well, first of all...I admit that the RSIT personality sure suited me well during the past 2-3 weeks or so of my life. And honestly, I have been unhappy with my behavior lately..which I’m still unsure what the MAIN cause is but suspect that my anxiousness to know what is in store for me in my near future (for those of you who don't already know, I am STILL waiting for a reply from BYU-Provo to be accepted into Fall sem & at the same time I am sad to leave Hawaii) has caused MANY "little" things/events in my life to shake me and upset me…and through it all, I have found to have lost a lot of self-confidence. *phew!* try saying all that in one breath!! =) Well, anyway, I also discovered that during too many of these times of distress, I allowed the one sister I have to somehow put me down even more! Over and over again..(except for that ONE time..winter ball night). I’d like to blame my poor behavior or my “frustratiosness” (this word is yet to be approved of, so when it becomes a real word, you know who invented it!) on hormones! PMS *grins sheepishly* So there!
Now, to Fei:
Re: You are a RSIT --Reserved Sentimental Intellectual Taker. This makes you a Archetypal Older Child..(“Please feel free to refer to the elaboration of this personality again” *sarcastically*)
WOW! I didn't think you thought of me THAT way..but then again, I just remembered..oh wait, but you DON"T know me. You barely care to in the first place. Obviously we don’t see each other very much and when we did the past few weeks, something always came up that somehow upset me which I clearly reacted in "extreme" ways. But all is forgiven (hopefully…) after all, I can’t stay mad for long! =)
Just a side note:
Hey Matt aka Norm, if you are planning to marry Fei, just be warned that she has some RSIT personality in her too! ESPECIALLY when you try to get her out of bed, or try to wake her up to go to church, or try to…OK. (*takes a few steps backwards…dashes away as fast as possible!*)
…no hard feelings…
This is me.
eXpressive: 5/10 (explains a lot about my behavior for the past few weeks…)
Practical: 8/10
Physical: 2/10 (now, about that comment on meeting sexual demands as an RSIT person…I think what is said is very true about me only during courtship…but whoever marries me will find out otherwise!!...I hope.)
Giver: 8/10
You are a RPIG (I am a… PIG…WHAT?!) --Reserved Practical Intellectual Giver. This makes you a Rock of Gibraltar. (If you say so...)
You are loyal, kind, thoughtful and conscientious. You're a good person. You make everyone around you happier and better, even if you yourself are not at your happiest or best. You just care so much about your friends and loved ones that you can't help giving them everything of yourself. It can wear you out, but you'd never let on. (This is the kind of person I’d like to be…I’m still working on it…I wish that I weren’t such a grumpy old RSIT fart..!)
You're successful, smart and fun to be with, but your self-esteem could use some boosting. (Tell me about it! I mean, the part about my self-esteem...) You don't like conflict, and you don't like demanding things for yourself, so you can feel unappreciated. But then you wonder if you don't deserve to be appreciated. You do! (I guess I needed to know that?)
You have many small crushes, (Oh My Gosh!!! Close your eyes now!!)but it takes you ages to get to a serious stage with someone. (NOW!!!) You get so caught up second-guessing yourself and worrying if the other person really *likes* likes you that you never dare to make the first move. (I said, CLOSE YOUR EYES!!!! NOW!!) Generally you end up with another clever RPIG who knows one when s/he sees one. This adds up to one long courtship. Fortunately this also adds up to one long marriage. (*fingers crossed*)
You would never cheat. You would never hurt anyone's feelings. You are so sympathetic and give so many second chances that it takes a lo-o-ong time for anyone to get on your bad side. (I guess Fei has known me for too lo-o-ong now…)
Your only problem is you can be *too* thoughtful -- you can end up worrying and getting hung up over nothing. (So true…!)
You may be a boy scout. (What da…?!?)
Of the 215943 people who have taken this quiz, 7 % are this type.
You can open your eyes now.
Posted by
4/03/2005 02:14:00 PM
Whoah, woman! Get your own blog! lol!
I think you might've misread my intentions. Go easy on me, I wasn't the one who wrote the description. It simply reminded me of you. But the truth is, with these personality tests, everyone will be able to relate to each in some way or another.
What reminded me of you especially was the "tough nut to crack" part. You yourself admitted to the weird sense of humor. That and the "you feel misunderstood. You usually are" part.
As far as being moody goes, I'm not above admitting that I get that way too. Everyone does. I don't want to be "happy pill" girl anyway.
I think that the conclusion is that nobody likes being defined by their conflicts.
Anyway. That was sufficiently awkward. I think I'm going to go back to pretending nothing is wrong again. I'm good at that. :)
Posted by
4/03/2005 02:20:00 PM
Oh, before I go back into lala-land, I thought I'd add that both results describe you aptly. Just because I see all your weaknesses does not mean that I don't see all your strengths as well.
You have to remember though, that most people only get to see one dimension of you at a time.
I guess some of us are more cafeful WHICH dimension other people get to see is all.
Anyway, you're right. I don't really know you. So it was unfair of me. I apologize.
(I figure by apologizing first, I get to be the good guy) Tee hee.
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