Wednesday, January 07, 2004

So many people to do, so little time

I was just thinking some random thoughts in the shower – and voila! I came up with a GREAT thing to write down – things I want to do in my lifetime.

1. Learn to play the harp
2. Go bungee jumping
3. Get married
4. Buy a new piano for my high school
5. Own a BIG truck – extended cab, extended bed
6. Visit Italy and ride in a gondola
7. Watch a musical on Broadway
8. Beat dad in a game – forget chess, how about Chinese checkers?
9. Learn how to sign – be an interpreter?
10. Make teaching the gospel to Muslims legal in Malaysia
11. Have at least 5 kids and no maid – while they still live at home
12. Make quilts for each of my kids – grandkids?
13. Date a guy – REALLY date a guy, for longer than a semester.
14. Attend general conference
15. Get a manicure – and let someone give me a professional makeover.
16. Own a grand piano
17. Have pets that live IN the house! Yeah!
18. Design my own shoes and have them made for me
19. Take vocal lessons
20. Watch all the episodes of Ally McBeal
21. Graduate to a B cup
22. Foster children
23. Go on a cruise
24. Play in an orchestra
25. Take dance classes
26. Go rock climbing
27. Learn to ride horseback
28. Have more than $5 000 in my bank. Hehe
29. Go scuba diving
30. Make a major discovery in psychology
31. Have a BIG tree in my garden with a wooden swing and a tree house
32. Try white water rafting
33. Get an A in on a history test
34. Have a fireplace in my house
35. Try surfing at least once – so I can say I have
36. Get sky-diving certified
37. Give private scholarships to BYUH students.
38. Knit a sweater
39. Successfully train a dog so he can do more than just sit.
40. Serve a mission with my husband
41. Be no longer underweight
42. Cook vegetables from my very own garden
43. Learn to speak Chinese again
44. Design my own wedding gown
45. Visit the DC temple with my sweetheart
46. Get a motorcycling license
47. Cook delicious meals in less than 2 hours
48. Dive off a spring board
49. Shop for baby things for my new child with my husband
50. Get lasik
51. Figure skate? LoL! Good luck Fei!
52. Be my brothers’ confidant
53. Learn to speak Espanol
54. Kiss a girl. LoL! (Caught your attention didn’t I?)
55. Win a beauty pageant – even with a one-piece swimsuit. I WISH!
56. Sew a dress
57. Pass off as a Hawaiian – pidgin and all
58. Have a GREAT sex life even at 50
59. Own a rocking chair to sing my infant to sleep in.
60. Build my own computer
61. Have enough money to build my own computer!
62. Earn an academic scholarship
63. Give the best massage my guy has ever had.
64. Get rid of laws giving Malaysian natives special privileges
65. Own a chain of stores – how about “Faye Mint”
66. Spend Christmas in Hawaii
67. Fix bad traffic in Malaysia
68. Counsel and change lives
69. Be able to improve Jazz on the piano
70. Run in an election
71. Get my masters
72. Be very familiar with the Old Testament
73. Fall in love everyday with my husband
74. Climb Mt. Kinabalu
75. Start a trend
76. Become a computer whiz
77. Rescue animals – like Monday (the kitten I nursed for a day *sigh*)
78. Make friends with a dolphin
79. Teach my child how to tie his/her shoelace
80. Go to the opera
81. Act in a sitcom (HAH! Act… that’s a good one)
82. Organize and lead a choir / musical performance fireside in church
83. Volunteer in special Olympics
84. Earn my YW medallion? LoL! Too late for that one, I think
85. Have on of the people I share the gospel with become a strong member
86. Learn how to repair my car
87. Fix a 3-D puzzle
88. Figure out how to use my mascara so I at least look like I have eyelashes.
89. Bring Taco Bell to Malaysia
90. Perform in a musical
91. Go one year accident free – and it doesn’t count if I don’t drive for a year!
92. Watch the sunset with my sweetheart (I’ve only done Sunrises really)
93. Make love under the stars (with my husband, of course)
94. Write a novel
95. Send Dad back to school so he can study Psychology.
96. Learn how to make a good Iced Milo
97. Visit the Eifel Tower
98. Win in a writing competition
99. Own property in this neighborhood/ buy over this house
100. Laugh every day of my life.

And the list goes on. If I didn’t have to go to bed, I could come up with 100 more things. A lot of things that would’ve been on the list before, I have already done. I figure some of these will require money not being an issue. But isn’t something cool to look back on and check things off every once in a while?

Wow. There’s really just so much to live for isn’t there?