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Wednesday, March 24, 2004


I can't find the parody I wrote to Edgar Allan Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado"!!! I am SO mad! I was so dang proud of that story and now I can't find it. I'd probably thrown out the hard copy too thinking that I had saved it on my USB flash drive. Shoot.

[insert mad frenzy here]

On the other hand, I found my debate notes for the small kine debate I did for Eng. 201 in the Spring. In the book "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold (A book I HIGHLY recommend), there was a character who commited adultery. The debate was on whether or not her act was justifiable.

I, trying to be the devil's advocate as usual, chose to argue that it was. We won, of course. It's always easier to win with the less obvious stance. I did such a good job at rationalizing it I nearly had myself convinced.

It was especially fun to debate on such an issue in a church school. I can't wait to go back there.

I love controversy.