The closing of a chapter.

I took Joel on tour with me to the PCC. He had fun, I think.

But wait - who's that girl next to him? Julia. The girl he brought with him. *sigh* I don't know what the deal is with them. He may not even be interested in her. But either way, I can take a hint. At least she's nice. She had fun too.
I got hooked up with their pictures - the ones the photographers in the center took of them. Like I say, he (in this case, she) who has many friends, gets lots of free stuff. Since I couldn't be bothered to scan them before giving them to Joel, I just took pictures of the pictures. Compromised on the quality. Sorry. It'll have to do.

Julia dancing the hula. Julia. Hula. Hey, it rhymes!!! Looks more like something from "I'm a little teapot" though, for some reason.

Ooh. Check out his rack! Hehehehe. Hula isn't usually such a suggestive dance.

The picture they took when they first came in the center. Awww. What a cute couple.
So yeah. I'm disappointed. But not as much as I thought I'd be. I braced myself for this already after a few brief conversations that we've had. I don't think he's really interested. I gave him my number nearly a week ago, to plan the PCC trip. He hadn't called me once. Not even now. He thinks I'm funny at least. And awesome - for having hooked them up with a tour. But I think that's as far as we're ever going to get.
Now that the tour is over with, I literally have no reason/excuse to talk to him anymore. Which is fine. It's almost a relief. I have decided that I am not really attracted to him as a person anyway. Of course, if he were to pay any attention to me from now on, I just might melt. But I don't need to be the predator. I deserve to be pursued. If he was half as cool as I'd like him to be, he'd recognize that by now.
Oh well. This is like closing a chapter in my life about a brief flirtation with uh - nothing.
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12/23/2004 11:15:00 AM
Are you sure that's his girlfriend? Cause look at the picture of them posing together...not only are they not touching, they both go out of their way to hold their hands behind their backs and not touch.
Kinda weird....
BUT, if it IS his girlfriend?
Then he would get my ultimate Wussy Boy Award, for letting you make moves, never clue you in, then bring a DATE with him to something you invited him to! Seriously! If that is true, he is a loser of the highest (lowest) degree. Certainly not worthy of a Princess!
All I can say is, that had BETTER be his sister.
introspectre | Homepage | 09.22.04 - 4:56 pm | #
Oh, no...wait. I see he has his hand behind her back, but she doesn' still looks stiff and unatural.
Again, I say, HARUMPH.
introspectre | Homepage | 09.22.04 - 4:58 pm | #
Yeah faye,
This guy is not even the sharpest errasor out there. you could do better.
supper secrite anonomus | Email | 09.23.04 - 5:55 pm | #
All I can say is, What A Schmuck! This guy is a dork! Faye, I'm glad you didn't keep your sights on this guy and saw through him...although you knew he was gonna be like that before he proved to be that way.
Anyway, he's a bum and should be cursed with bad looks. that way he'd have to actually develop a personality and other good attributes.
Jared | Email | Homepage | 09.23.04 - 8:44 pm | #
lol. Wow. Looks like I don't have to hate him - everyone else will for me. :-D
No. Julia is not his girlfriend, but her and another girl hang out with him alot. They're probably just friends. I'm not sure but I don't really care.
I did know he was going to turn out to be someone I didn't really like, but I was hoping against it. However that's why it made going hoo hah over him safe.
Eh. It was fun while it lasted. He's not a bad guy, he's just not that nice.
Now on to my next target! (Is Tom Cruise single?)
Faye | Email | Homepage | 09.23.04 - 11:54 pm | #
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