Hugs in the form of chocolate.
So I realized after reading what I wrote last night again that I must be having a down period. It's a relief in a way. Good to know I could still cry. Hadn't really done it in a while. Strange huh?
My roommate found something on our door yesterday for me while I was here talking to Mark. It was a bag of chocolate hugs and a little card thingy with a note on it. It didn't hit me till this morning how perfectly timed it was.
I bore my testimony about tithing in church on Sunday. I had a humbling experience recently. I hadn't been keeping up with paying my tithing and had been struggling financially - not having enough money for textbooks and such. When I finally decided to pay back my debt, a little miracle happened. I somehow achieved top sales for videotapes last month. As tourguides, we encourage our guests to upgrade the free souvenir videos we give them and get to keep 10% of the sales we make. I sold over $600 worth of videos. Wow. I think $600 is their monthly target for each salesperson they have and I don't evem work for them, so, yeah. That's pretty cool. So, that's not a HUGE chunk of commision for me, but more than I usually get. So there. Extra cash for me. What was also really neat was that I got a $10 shopping card for walmart. I'm pleased.
I believe that blessings come through obedience. I couldn't have done it without outside help.
Anyway, back to my card. It read:
"We really enjoyed your testimony today. You have such a warm & loving personality. Your friendship is felt by so many. zThank you for being such a great example to all of us here at BYU-Hawaii. Our love & hugs are with you all week. Keep that beautiful smle of yours.You really are a wonderful woman & child of God."
It was anonymous. I guess those are the best kind of notes. They make you want to do something wonderful and nice for the world.
I needed that. Heavenly Father just finds these wonderful ways to let us know that he is watching over us. Makes me wonder if someone needed a note I wrote them. Whatever it is, I will definitely write more.
So yeah. When all else fails, find comfort in knowing that Heavenly Father loves you and in chocolate.
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12/23/2004 11:06:00 AM
Love lift us up where we belooooong!
l.s.o.b. | Homepage | 09.28.04 - 2:16 pm | #
Chocolate cures all ills!
Rachael | Email | Homepage | 09.29.04 - 7:07 am | #
Wow. I wished you loud music and chocolate.
You got chocolate.
I wish you endless joy.
I wish you many moments of stillness and happiness.
And I wish more chocolate for you.
Those are the best kinds of notes. Thanks for the story. I think I will indulge in some secret note writing of my own......
(PS. Years ago, someone left a note like that in my mailbox one time with a gift certificate to the local grocery store. Being a struggling single mother, it meant the world to me. I still have the note.)
introspectre | Homepage | 09.29.04 - 2:58 pm | #
I just started reading your Blog, and I really love it, mainly because you so honestly say so much about what we all go through in life.
I believe that God has a plan for us all, and the person He wants us to be with is out there ... we just have to be patient and willing to move on from relationships that don't work out.
I found a good book that helps me get through the difficult break-ups; it's called 'How To Break Your Addiction To A Person.' Just reading it helps me to see why a relationship didn't work out, and helps me to move on.
It's hard, but I'm sure you'll get through this, and find someone who you'll love just as much or even more. In the meantime, enjoy the chocolate!
dma | 09.30.04 - 6:18 am | #
Posted by Anonymous
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