Snip snip

Long hair is a nice thing when you feel like being impulsive. Felt I needed some sort of image change to validate this "new me". $14.50 is also the most I have ever paid for a haircut. I guess that's not bad. That's better than using a straight edge to give yourself a makeover...
I talked to Mele, a girl from Tonga and suggested that she should follow my lead and cut her hair so she could look different from all the other Tongan girls. She replied by explaining that in Tonga, cutting your hair is a significant gesture. Usually girls do it if their father died or if they're no longer a virgin. Well, my father didn't pass away, so, wait...
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4/28/2005 09:57:00 PM
I prefer Billie Holiday. Could you play that music instead.
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4/29/2005 02:01:00 AM
ITS GONE!!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!! hehe just messing with ya. it looks good. and definatly shows physically what sounds like is happening internally. no i dont mean your getting shorter inside just that you are changing. change is good right?
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4/29/2005 08:08:00 PM
I like your new look! I've got a new look too, btw. Finally got a perm last weekend after 3 years?
Singapore Girl
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