I gotta get my cats fixed.
Uhm. Yeah.
The pathetic mewing every night isn't great but ignorable. But not the fact that my "runt" red cat Your Whineness, who is now bigger than the other cats, is constantly trying to mount her sister, Whisper. Lesbian cats? Lesbian incestuous cats. The depravity.
She pins Whisper down, and then bites on her ear or something while Whisper kicks her hind legs like she's trying to escape while making weird throaty noises and sometimes sounds that are like squealing. It looks like she doesn't like it at all, but she doesn't get up and run away and hide after I pull Red off her. Weird.
I'd think about posting pictures if I had a camera that was working. But that would be wrong anyway. *shudder* It's like animal porno. And I don't enjoy it!!!
Too much info?
Well. On that note, I'm going to go to bed. Ugh. This is worse than having a hooker with a squeaky mattress living above you.
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