Monday, April 05, 2004

Breaking the sound barrier.


I can't believe I haven't blogged since Thursday. Unbelievable. Before you get mad, I have a few excuses:

1) I've been SOOOOO busy! (I still have to write replies to 2 emails. Aaah!!! Both to Nates - unless one of them reallly IS named Samuel Clemmens, though I doubt it. You haven't been forgotten, guys.)

2) I've been working on my blog template. See, my side-bar thingy is shifted to the right. I got tired of how it looked so I'm making some minor changes. I am STILL trying to figure out how to get another bar to the left. Stupid thing. And oh, by the way all the CSS I've been using doesn't seem to work in Netscape, what the heck is up with that?!

I was also typing up a short "about me thing to put on my side bar (which is why I wanted to add another one) but it turned out SO long! I might just have to publish it somewhere else and post a link to it from here or something. But see, more work. As queen of procrastinators, I send out a decree that this project will be completed by the time none of that info is no longer accurate and I will have to rewrite it again (since my personailty changes some with each new boyfriend that I acquire).

3) I fell sick (I couldn't even bear to sit at the computer for longer than 10 minutes. Now if that's not being TERRIBLY sick, I don't know what is!)

4) Whenever I feel I just posted something worth reading i.e. witty, humorous etc (just because I thought it was doesn't mean you did, I get that), I don't want to kill whatever reader response I had going by posting a totally crappy one so I stress over the next post until I end up posting, well, nothing. I guess that is worse huh?

See, I believe that your blog is as popular as your last post. I read alot of random blogs and when I'm just skimming, I don't have time to dig for the good stuff so I just read the last few and see if it interests me. If it does, I bookmark it (and when I remember, add a link to it from my blog) and visit it again. I especially love bloggers who post almost as much as I do.

Anyway, I just sent out the link to a couple of friends and assuming that other people read blogs like I do, I didn't want to post something totally boring and make them think that was all my blog had.

Ok. I'm done blabbering now.

Is it safe to leave this as my last post?

Oh dear. I'm developing a sort of phobia already. I feel like an agoraphobic who gets all dressed up and ready to go but just can't get out the door and on to posting this thing. AAAAUGGGGH!!!!

Alright, I'm going to post it, and keep posting and posting and posting and posting so there would never BE a last blog!