Syndicated Post: Some lists are worth reading again.
I was in the mood to blog again today and was about to make a list of 100 things about me but then I faintly recalled having written a post about some of my quirks when I was home in Malaysia.
I know none of you have time to read every single little thing I blogged about before, but if I wrote some interesting posts back then. There's a lot of information on here that will help anyone get to really know me better. The content of this blog was very different then because I was in a different environment, around different people and doing different things. It's fun for me to learn about myself from my old posts.
Since I have mostly a brand new audience here now, I figured I'd save all y'all the trouble of having to look through a year's worth of posts (especially when I've averaged 8 posts a week) to find the good stuff.
This list I made was one of my personal favorites. Definitely worth posting again.
The original post was written on January 29, 2004.
Some people write books in their minds about themselves
I make a movie. Have camera angles for my first kiss, all my airport breakup scenes, the music… the perfect lines from the better part of a relationship that I thought seemed unreal – like it was scripted.
Han (my oldest brother - he turns freaking 14 this year! I read my first real porno when I was 14. Gee…) has a comic strip. I’m even featured in it as a regular character as his bossy, evil sister.
He’s actually getting really good. I’m in the process of setting up a website and launching his strip for him (I get to be his first publisher!) where there will be a new strip a day. More pressure for him to keep drawing them.
Anyhow, just for kicks, I’ve gathered a list of quirks or characteristics my alter-ego would portray in a strip. Comic strips love to exaggerate the bad things so don’t worry. I think I have some good things to list down some other time. No promises.
If I was featured in a comic strip, my character would….
1) wreck the car every other week
2) be so skinny and flat you couldn’t tell if I was turned sideways or facing forward
3) have one permanent black dot on my face that changes its position every strip
4) switch boyfriends every strip (my brother portrays me that way in his strip!!! Don’t worry, I don’t do it that often – just every semester.)
5) get a new hairdo often and insist other people were having it because they saw me.
6) have a room in which you not could never see the floor
7) sleep on the couch because I didn’t want to clear my bed
8) burst out crying at everything (worse than Drew Carey even)
9) get a really expensive manicure but bite my nails off right after
10) wear shoes with heels at least 2.5 inches tall and have messed up feet and knees as a result
11) think “lol” instead of “haha” when I laugh
12) read the back of every bottle in the bathroom while on the toilet and get frustrated that they write so little on them.
13) keeps getting a new pets every week because they keep dying.
14) have EVERYTHING I own purple one week then switch it all to blue when I decided I like it better the week after and then yellow and…
15) sleep in the day and nap at night
16) get extremely cranky to be woken up from naps – or is that sleep now?
17) be an anti-homework activist – and not a hypocritical one either
18) absolutely hate bananas because of the smell
19) often get grounded again as soon as or before the last one was over.
20) have a song for every situation
21) talk all my friends’ ears off about all my exes.
22) always be trying to hide a hickey (you owe me a JOB J-Bo!)
23) constantly be in search for clothes that increase cleavage
24) get cold all the time – never be seen without a sweater
25) have a blankie I bring everywhere like Linus from Peanuts
26) be an internet addict with at least 20 cyber boyfriends at a time
27) have a Sim family with every guy I liked
28) be easily persuaded into liking ANYTHING – as long as I liked you enough.
29) always carry a HUGE bag around with everything in it
30) have ZERO depth perception and aim
31) have no ability to play ANY sports whatsoever
32) my response to “Do you know (someone famous)” would always be “Who?”
33) have 3 alarm clocks all 3 fast but at different speeds so I never know what time it really is (this one is 100% truth – I kid you not!)
34) always be 15mins late
35) carry toothpaste around as a breath mint
36) do math problems for fun
37) always misplace the car keys
38) love to cook and bake. But would torture friends and family with burnt /bland/and overly salted food
39) work on 100 projects at a time but never finishing a single one
40) have the motto: “what you don’t know can’t hurt you”
41) read instruction manuals as a hobby (right now, I’m reading the one for my new calculator. I’m such a geek – I LOVE it)
42) be blind without my contacts or the glasses that make my eyes disappear
43) turn the shower on in the bath and practice dance steps or act out shampoo adds in front of the mirror instead
44) always get shaver burnt all over
45) be on a weight gain diet
46) be addicted to mint
47) always buy lipstick that doesn’t work on me
48) have no artistic skill whatsoever – or at least no patience for art
49) constantly talk about the stuff I’ll do when I’m rich and famous
50) eat a lot of whipped cream as a dessert of choice
51) always compare my life to episodes of Ally McBeal.
52) schedule my life around my TV programs
53) play “Taboo” at every chance I get.
54) have all the Taboo cards memorized – ok I don’t yet, but I’m close!
55) love flying for the plane food – and ooh the sunrise!
56) always have a weirdo “psycho stalker”.
57) often get cheap trainee haircuts that come out looking weird
58) always “forget” to bathe the dogs about my only real chore at home. (Mom and Han do it now!)
59) despise girly girls. And like TOTALLY be one.
60) constantly try to resist the urge to like pink.
61) do HUGE load of laundry every 3 weeks and re-wear dirty clothes until they smell. You don’t even WANT to know about underwear. All I can say is some pants are NOT meant for going commando in.
62) doodle in textbooks replacing my last name with the ones of guys I liked: “Faye Min Shipman” “Faye Min Bodine” “Faye Min Braynard” “Faye Min Blogspot”
63) waste time calculating the compatibility percentage with guys I like by messing around with their names/birth dates/phone numbers and mine.
64) come up with a crazy new design for my wedding gown every other strip
65) forget to eat meals on a regular basis
66) drool over the pale, skinny computer geeks
67) dislike surfers, jocks and Utahn guys (wait, they’re all the same thing!) with a passion
68) ask “what’s sex?” and friends would think I was serious
69) always talk about the kind of perfect guy I’m going to marry
70) complain about not getting a 100% on a test
71) shop for underwear at the little girls section at WalMart
72) sing loudly and off-key in the shower at the dorms after quiet hours (usually at midnight or later)
73) talk A LOT about non-existent American boyfriend to other Asian guys so they don’t try to hit on me.
74) decide to start spelling my name differently every other week.
75) be so competitive, I’d race all the guys on a hike trail, even come out first, and be faint with exhaustion for the next week. I swear they let me win just to see me suffer after
76) say such LONG prayers in Sunday school that whenever I offer to say the closing prayer, a young man would insist he did it instead.
77) forget to turn the headlights on and drive in the dark
78) only like guys a handful of years older than I am – and be too immature for them.
79) always talk about how we Asians are different from Americans
80) memorize passages from text books word for word
81) change the illustrations of guys in textbooks into girls
82) try to play the violin and drive the whole street crazy from the screeching (I’m really bad! I’m pretty good on the piano but I can’t seem to make it significant or interesting enough to fit that in)
83) only come out of the bathroom stall when no one is out by the sink after #2-ing so that if someone was bothered by the smell, they wouldn’t know it was from me.
84) practice kissing on a pillow/mirror
85) read everything. Posters, signs, cereal boxes, random people’s blogs...
86) buy another set of the glasses/shoes/clothes that I REALLY love as backup
87) have all my children’s names picked out.
88) sleep in through classes earlier than 9am on a regular basis and drop all classes in which attendance is required for a good grade.
89) not do any homework until AFTER the deadline and only if it affects my grade.
90) sort my clothes/hangers/CDs/stationary by color
91) spend hours reading recipes and feeling really good – without ever doing a single thing. Same goes with making any other kinds of plans
92) play the song that I currently love over and over until I get sick of it. Whenever I hear that song, I’ll think of the phase I was going through way back then.
93) complain about wanting to go home after being out with family for longer than 2 1/2 hours.
94) spend hours making anagrams out of people’s names.
95) fall asleep in the library while studying because it’s too quiet in there
96) sit in the game lounge to study for the noise
97) never study till the day before or the day of the test
98) always be dealing with more than one breakup at a time
99) decide I am republican one morning and a democrat another – whichever party my current boyfriend is for.
100) refuse to go to bed because I’m working on some list of what quirks my imaginary comic character would have even though I’m tired and it’s freaking 3am.
I am still thinking of a name for my strip. One of my favorite comics ever is Calvin and Hobbes. We absolutely ADORE Bill Watterson in our family He comes out with cool names for his books – but why name your strip “Calvin and Hobbes?” gee that’s original.
I could do something totally cheesy like Fickle Fei or should that be Fickle Faye? Is it better with or without the e???
All I can say is that list is more than based on a true story. What are the quirks that make you you? I dare you to write a post like mine!
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12/07/2004 07:05:00 AM
the relief of finding someone else with quirks no. 33 and 83..i am NOT alone after all
Posted by Saik
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12/07/2004 09:18:00 AM
Oooh! Wow, that is a really interesting personality!
I've already hit a few in the comic strip, courage! I have 90 more to hit :P
Posted by Han
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1/10/2005 07:53:00 PM
hehe thats alot of stuff. now is that real life or in your comic strip or both. hehe see ya later
E | Email | Homepage | 12.06.04 - 4:13 pm | #
Posted by E
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