Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Recurring Themes.

You get them in movies. You recognize it when you hear that melody playing again and you know what to expect. It almost gives you the feeling of deja vu. A sense of familiarity.

Somewhere in my consiousness, there is this sense of a recurring theme in my life. It's not clear enough to grasp yet, but I have a feeling that there are a few things that I will become very familiar with throughout my existence. The same set of challenges and issues will find ways to recreate themselves and resurface in my life. Much like a mutated bacteria, I will have to find ways to build immunity to the same illness over and over and over.

I wish I wasn't so weak, so vulnerable to life.

But, I'll fight the diseases as they come. And I'll become stronger each time - if it doesn't kill me first.

I don't mean to sound pessimistic. Underneath the big and little dramas there exists still the underlying theme of hope. I need more faith, more trust in the ability for men to change for the better. More faith in my own strengths. More importantly faith in divine power to aid me.

Love is a wonderful thing to be blessed with.


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3/03/2005 01:17:00 PM

I have found that finding 'themes' in my life and leaning from them has been one of the best parts of getting older. Good themes and bad themes. but because so much of it isn't new, I've been there before, I know how to deal with it and how not to deal with it.

If that makes sense.

Posted by Blogger fMhLisa 

3/03/2005 03:36:00 PM

It happens sometimes i have such major dejavu. but when we get these themes we learn to ride then out or hoe ti fix em. see ya later hun and I was about to ask you how many more days but noticed the counter. hehehe

Posted by Blogger E.Marie 

3/05/2005 02:39:00 AM

Might I ask as to what it is that is causing this recent onset of deja-vu? What theme is recuring in your life right now?

Posted by Blogger Jared 

3/05/2005 12:46:00 PM

I guess that is what life is all about. Making it over every hill, mountain, or wall that comes are way yet finding that some of them look oddly familiar.

It is about finding the best way over so the next time it is much easier. Sometimes we forget or get lazy, but we have done it before. And we will have to do it again.

Posted by Blogger a man from Saipan 

3/06/2005 09:38:00 PM

My Dad shared with me his theory, once, about how progression isn't linear but circular. Instead of moving in a straight line, from start to finish, you go in a circle, leaving something behind for something new, then coming back to polish up. Each time you return, you perfect yourself a little more.

That makes the picture really clear to me.

More than just personal weaknesses that may plague our lives, there are certain issues that seem to constant work its way back in.

Every movie has a theme, a message, something to learn from it, a few particular issues they deal with. I think people's lives are like that too.

For example, for someone it may be cancer. Or some disease that runs in the family. They may be exposed to death and illness in their childhood, and maybe even contract it themselves. Then, there are those who turn it the other way around and make it their life purpose. People who devote their whole lives trying to make sure that people can avoid having similar experiences.

I just wonder what the theme in my life will be. Will the close calls and difficulties in my parents' relationship resurface in my own life? Can you learn from their experience and avoid these undesirable situations or are you fated to learn a certain lesson?

Ah well. Speculating does little good. Live and learn - that's what I'll do.

Posted by Blogger Fei 

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