I got kudos!!!
Jared's blog has officially been renamed from Lost in Laie to Menace in Mesa. And I get kudos and unclaimmable prize money for helping with the ingenious alliteration. Yay!
Seriously though, why can't I ever come up with something as witty for my blog?
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5/02/2005 12:49:00 AM
If I read correctly on Jared's blog, your real name is spelled "F-E-I" so why not play off of the Hawaiian tradition of the lei and call it "Hop off the plane and get Fei'd"
Cool Dad
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5/02/2005 08:31:00 AM
Haha. Thanks for the suggestion. I don't think most people will get it, though. And I'm sure this doesn't matter, but I couldn't help but note the fact that there is no letter F in Hawaiian.
I'd much rather do the word play with "Faye-mous" or something, but it has been used before, even though I thought the idea was original.
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5/02/2005 02:05:00 PM
Well... if you and all your friends are lovers of mixing mandarin with english (like me and my friends) you could do "I wanna Faye"
-- I wanna 'fly' (mandarin) which sounds like er... I want a Faye haha
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5/05/2005 01:57:00 PM
Well, you earned it. And I like the new name "Nearly Faye-mous". If I didn't know any better I'd think you stole it from "The Nearly Famous Barry Young Show", but I doubt it.
Oh, and I like the new pic for your blogger. You better in shorter hair than I would have guessed.
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5/05/2005 04:32:00 PM
It's Almost Faye-mous, and that's a spoof off the movie "Almost Famous" but that's not really even a movie I recommend, so... I dunno...
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