And this too shall pass - like everything else.
I almost feel like I have enough material in this whole Richie thing to write a song. But that would be placing too much importance on this little crush I'm having.
Remember when Joel was the biggest thing that ever happened to me? Yeah. That feels like centuries ago. That evaporated into thin air, and now I'm nearly too embarassed to admit that it ever happened.
I'd like to say that this is different. This has much more depth, it's true, since it's based on MUCH more than the way he looks. But that doesn't mean that I need to get waist deep in it.
Either way, I think it's only fair that I post at least one picture of this guy too, since Joel (retch) of all people got quite a few.

Jared, Richie, Mom Therese, JD and David, the staff of Hale 4.
Credit goes to Jared for the picture.
If I'm going to have an obsession at least do it properly, right?
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12/23/2004 11:30:00 AM
Hee hee. Richie's cute!
introspectre | Homepage | 10.20.04 - 11:55 am | #
He is. I'm usually not attracted to Asian guys so this is bizzarre. All my boyfriends have been substantially bigger than I am. At least taller. I'm used to looking UP at my guy. This is going to be weird... I guess I can throw my heels out!
Faye | Email | Homepage | 10.20.04 - 7:42 pm | #
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