Turning the other cheek (great for guilt trips!)
It's been a really interesting day.
Jared woke me up this morning to tell me that he wasn't working tonight - which meant that somebody else who mattered would be... I don't want to say too much here. Maybe I can call him Barnabas II. Heheh. (That's the name Mama Jolley came up with for her new crush. I'm too lazy to put in all the work like she did so I'll just steal her name)
It's an open secret that I have a new crush. I don't really have to try to keep it on the DL because half the campus already knows by now, but I'm not sure where I want this to go just yet and there is a definite risk of Barnabas reading this. I'm not sure what changing his name on here will do because if he does read this, he will easily figure out that I am talking about him. There really is no need for secrecy, but everyone else is doing it. So, what the heck.
All you need to know for now is that after many years, I finally have a crush on an Asian again. It's exciting, yet very scary. Jared and JD have their hands in this because they know Barnabas II pretty well. They're kind of prodding things along on his side and then telling me about it after. It's pretty funny to watch. I asked for J-Bo's help at first because I wanted to get to know Barnabas II better (man, this name is too long! I need to shorten it to something else) I don't know, though. I just don't want to interfere with the natural course of things, ya know?
Ok enough of that. I got sidetracked. Today, I also got a couple of personalized emails in my Gmail accout. It was great. Hardly anyone ever emails me there, except for Mark and we just started that this week because we can't chat.
The first one I got was from Jared. He has a ton of music on his computer and everyone seems to have a piece of his stuff from i-tunes. Well, in his email today, he told me about how he put all the music he had planned to burn for me in a playlist called "Fei's MP3s". Well, apparently someone got their hands on that and changed the name of his shared music to "Feismabitch". Hmmmm. Jared thought that it might be someone who knows me, but I doubt it. I think it's so funny. I'll be optimistic. Maybe that means music in Uzbekestan or something. Makes me feel famous.
Later today, I got another email, this had the subject heading "Get a life". At first I thought it was some sort of Ad, but it didn't make any sense because people who email me in that account either know me or got the address from my blog.
Imagine my surprise when I read the following contents:
Faye why don't you shut your mouth and get a life Why do u have to be such a
JERK and a idiot???
You have so much disrespect for return missionaries why don't you go on a
mission and you see how it feels when you get home and we will make fun of
Wow. First I'm someone's *itch, now I'm a JERK and "a idiot"? Never been seriously called a jerk in my life. This is an exciting first!!! Not everyone likes me, I'm sure, but I've never been told off like that before in my life. Ever.
After reading the message, the sender name finally clicked. It was the younger sister of one of Jared's friends.
This particular friend of Jared's never warmed up to me. We were only in school together for a couple of months. I had heard about her before coming back to BYUH and was excited to meet her, she was pretty cool sounding. There was one problem though: after some time of being just friends with Jared, she fell completely in love with him. Or something close to that. I don't have a problem with that. In fact, I was hoping something would happen from it and maybe Jared could finally get a wife but Jared never, EVER felt the same way. Because he hadn't completely gotten over me yet, he'd talk about me alot still.
As a result, his friend dislikes me (or at least has no desire to be my friend) because she blames me for causing hurt to Jared after our breakup. If you think about it, that's kind of funny considering he broke up with me - not that I didn't hurt him by moving on but by then, it's fair game! She doesn't know any better though, having only gotten Jared's side of the story and knowing him first, her loyalty lies with him. That's fine. However, she also seems to have gotten the idea that it's my fault that Jared wouldn't date her. I'm just an easy scapegoat. I don't really mind.
It was weird at first, because I'm not used to the idea of people not liking me (I think of myself as a pretty genuine person and tend to forget that there are people who will be rubbed the wrong way regardless) but I got over it. It got MUCH easier because she left on a mission and removed herself from the picture, for the most part.
On a side note, because I like to gossip, I'd like to add that Jared's new girlfriend was her roommate before and a pretty close friend. They might've met through her. Hmmm. This girl still doesn't know that THAT'S who Jared is dating right now. The carnal part of me wants to see how she will swallow the news. But that's mean. The reason she still doesn't know is because there is no easy way of breaking this to her. I have nothing against her, she wasn't rude to me or anything. Just cold. Still, for some reason, I feel like I would like some sort of revenge. To teach her a lesson or something. Or at least tell her "SEE! It wasn't MY fault!"
Anywho, this girl's 15 year-old sister apparently got passed the "Don't like Faye" vibe. I thought it strange to get such a random email at first. I have never talked to to her before in my life, although I've heard stories about her. *grin* I knew that it had to be in response to something I wrote on a blog though, so that narrowed it down.
It could be from something I wrote here (can't think what though) but I doubt it. I like to think that if someone read what I really feel, they would have quite the opposite reaction. Maybe have a little more respect for me.
I'm not sure, but I think that the email I got was in response to a comment I left in Jared's blog not too long ago where I was teasing Jake, a friend of his who was actually really nice to me. I like to think of him as my friend too. Jake came home from his mission only a few months after being out there. Don't ask me why. Anyway, here's the afore-mentioned comment:
"Can I get in on the hating thing. I mean at least jared have a girlfriend and I have nothing,(tear). Down with dating. I think it should be like the draft. everyone is assigned a number. then when a guys and a girls number are called there together. so much easier. man I am a genius. later
And in reply, I said:
"aJke, do you randomly assign the letters in your name a number and line them up accordingly too?
Go back on your mission! It's sick and wrong but the truth is that you will attract more girls in a suit with your name tag, than with a stamp on your forehead that says "pre-mie" and then after the fact, girls will be all over you wanting to marry you.
After you roll a die or two, and pick your bride, you can finally get some action. (And then I'll be jealous)
It's a great plan, really. Man I'm a genius!
I'm not sure if this is it, but I really can't think of what else would provoke her to write that email to me. I can't think of a reason why anyone would take offense to that. Friends aren't alot to tease each other about spelling, or their "genius"? Hmmm... She probably misunderstood me due to lack of context. Who knows?
Anyway, the reason I am posting this is because I actually find it hysterical. I mean, really, really funny. I can take it with a grain of salt, maybe, but I'm not sure that the accusation has enough rationale to back it up for me to really have to worry about it. She is still 15 after all. Easily pardonable. I've said some pretty mean and immature things in my life. I was younger, but still... I can give people room for error.
I wasn't sure how to react to it besides laughing, and telling alot more people about it than I should have. I don't really want to dignify it with a response and give her another reason to dislike me.
Still, when I heard about how she had wanted a gmail account for herself too and had asked Jared for one but he's out of invitations I decided to turn the other cheek, maybe pull a guilt trip if I'm lucky (hey I never claimed to be holy!), and invite her myself. I teasingly said in the email that I hoped she accepted invitations from jerks, followed very tactfully by a "*wink*", "[hugs]" and a "Have a great day! =)"
With my luck, she'll probably misinterpret that too but as much as I can, I want to make sure that I express that there are no hard feelings. I only hope that she outgrows this.
One of these days, I'll finally reconcile with her older sister. Not much I can do for now on my part. I thought about writing her a letter before, maybe asking if we could start over or something like that. Jared advised me otherwise. She might not take it the right way if I do. I hope that her mission will help her mature enough to where she can accept the reality of things - or at least move on - and be open to being my friend.
That would be ideal.
So yeah, I had an exciting day. Lots of interraction. Funny emails. DDR Max. Time spent with Barnabas II thanks to Jared's genius in setting up opportunity. I now have his email, his phone number and his yahoo screen name. Muahahah!
I can't wait for tomorrow!
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1/10/2005 07:03:00 PM
Well im glad things are going good with barnabas. It seems like the feelings are mutual. Was it wierd though the other day. i saw you and myumi in the same office. do you have compatition?
JD | Email | 10.15.04 - 3:53 pm | #
A dating was like the draft girls would move to Canada to escape me.
LSOB | 10.15.04 - 5:29 pm | #
A? If.
lsob | 10.15.04 - 5:30 pm | #
Posted by Anonymous
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