Dis is da thing...
Remember the guy in Jared's dorm who accessed his music through I-tunes and changed the folder name from "Fei's MP3s" to "Feismabitch"? After Jared locked his music on condition that the file name be changed, the smarty pants changed it a couple of times to some form of comeback which was equally as bad. Jared emailed me the winner:

Picture has been modified for content.
Everyone knows I'm easy, but NOBODY calls me a bad kisser!!!
I think it would be so freaking funny (no pun intended) if I we knew each other but he didn't know he was talking about me. If I could find out who this guy is (which Jared wants to do with his master key), I would like to go up to him and say "Really? I thought you were great!"
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12/23/2004 11:30:00 AM
I seriously want to take out some agression on this guy. I will look at all the computers carefully this next white glove. I changed the name of my shared music to "Please tell me you don't hold the preisthood". I hope he gets the message.
Nice job on makeing the pic safe for kids.
Jared | Email | Homepage | 10.19.04 - 9:54 pm | #
Honey, you so should. That would be hilarious!! Anywho, I forgot to add this to my last post, but, about the T-shirt with the "one word to describe self" thing...what do ya think would work for me? Hmmm....maybe I should add this to my blog and see what people say. Sounds good...people will get an update, and I'll get info. on what people think would work for me. Heehee, devious.
Rachael | Email | Homepage | 10.20.04 - 2:26 am | #
I want that kid by the gonads. Who does he think he is? Seriously. You can laugh, if you want. Personally, I want his ball sack and some brass knuckles. How dare he? Tell him I'm looking for him.
Maybe I'm over reacting. I'll decide when I'm done with him.
introspectre | Homepage | 10.20.04 - 11:54 am | #
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