For she's a Jolley good fellow.
She's cute, she's randomly funny, she's spiritual, she's smart and the best part? She's shorter than I am!!!
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you:
The Jolley Life.
Yes, Mama Jolley, my beloved roommate has caved into peer pressure and got herself a brand new blog. I am thoroughly excited about this. You should be too. If she does update it regularly, there will be plenty more funnies for us to read on the world wide web.
What's up with the Jolley puns? Well, that's her last name. Someone started to call her Mama Jolley and now we all do. I have difficulty calling up her first name at times.
As long as Mama Jolley is around, you'll never run out of laughs. You can count on two things.:
1) Her last name makes for lots of puns. But puns are the lowest form of humor... so... maybe we'll move on to #2:
2) You can make fun of her height. But you can bet your last penny that she has heard anything you can come up with before.
She takes them really well though. She's cool that way. So what does this infamous roommate of mine look like?
You won't be sorry you asked (however if I do disappear after this, I'm probably in a hole hiding from her so she can't unleash her wrath on me for posting pics of her without prior permission)

Her on her side of the room (you know, the one where you can see the floor?) wearing what Carrera calls a bandana on her but. Now that's my kind of pants!

Mama Jolley in her natural habitat: the beach. Probably excited about just having touched a coconut or something.

Guys still swarm around her even when she has facial hair! Now that's my kinda man! I mean uh, woman.

Jared, Emily, Stephanie and I in a tree, demonstrating what Jared calls my "orange slice" smile. Golly. My mouth is big!

Here's one of Emily and I on a hiking trip together with Dixie and Stephanie in the background. Jared was there too - hence the setting for the picture just above this one.
Ok. There's GOT to be a normal picture or Emily in here somewhere...

Here's another one of my roommate and I on that same hiking trip up in the tree. We never found the waterfall so we had a picnic there instead. It was a blast.
Sheesh. Trust me to turn a post about my roommate into one about ME.
Really, all I'm saying here is that I think my roommate is da bomb diggidy (how do you spell that anyway?) and I love her to pieces. Heck you would too, if you got to see her as much as I do!
Ever watched the BBC sitcom "Mind Your Own Language"? I only have 2 words for my Mama Jolley:
Jolley good!

p.s. She wore her underwear inside out today. But at least it was by accident. And I was starting to think I was a bad influence on her...
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1/10/2005 07:18:00 PM
I know where you sleep you little butt!
Mama Jolley | Email | 10.06.04 - 12:24 am | #
But first, you'll need to find me amongst all that crap I sleep with... good luck!
Faye | Email | Homepage | 10.06.04 - 2:06 am | #
Awwwww, you're a beautiful girl Mama Jolley.
Thanks to Faye for sharing.
It's so awesome to see into your life.
Maybe someday I will be as brave....
introspectre | Homepage | 10.06.04 - 12:04 pm | #
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