The Bare Luxuries.
I spent a good chunk of last week's paycheck on much needed toiletries at Walmart yesterday. It's not as bad as it sounds, I'm on a work study program so I only get less than $60 every 2 weeks. Cashflow is pretty tight(as it should be for most kids in college), so I have to really watch what I spend my money on.
It was quite the ordeal trying to find the best product for the cheapest price. The thing about being a consumer is that you have to make decisions based mostly on packaging, media and if you're lucky, friend's recommendations. Each purchase is a gamble. I suppose that being a poor college student aids somewhat in making decisions when I go shopping: there are many items I simply can't afford.
I have never been a big fan of branded goods. I could never understand why people would pay 4-5 times the ammount for clothes that look just as good as the no-name brand items. Some would argue about quality. My no-name brand stuff lasts me a pretty long time. Plus, I'd rather have a whole lot of cheap clothes (just cause they're cheap doesn't mean they look bad) that would last me for 2 years than just a few pieces of good quality clothing to last me forever. I'd probably want a wardrobe make-over by then.
Apparently, the same rules don't apply to toiletries and sanitary products. The last time I ran out of toothpaste, toothbrushes and conditioner, I was REALLY pressed for cash, so I went literally as cheap as I could go. I guess I have been pampered before, but I don't think I could switch to the dollar-store toothpaste, toy toothbrush or generic conditioner ever again. I try cutting corners here and there, like getting generic shampoo (I hope it works!) but sticking to my trusted Pantene conditioner, even if it's double the price. With facial/skin-care products, I'm just going to go with the assumption that the more it costs the better it works. I am not accustommed to using my complexion as ante.
So I came home with far less money, and virtually no "fun things" for myself (I had to put back the loofah I wanted to spoil myself with), like some of the other girls got. However as soon as I got to use the new things that I got for myself, I felt like a queen.
The lines between necessities and luxuries are blurred. Conditioner really isn't a necessity. There was a time when shampoo wasn't either and I'm lucky to be able to sort-of afford the better kind. It's good to get back to the basics, if just briefly. I now appreciate what I have so much more.
I have been pampered in my poverty.
For your entertainment, here's a picture we took on a previous trip to Walmart:

...and we wonder how people can tell that we're students from BYUH.
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3/06/2005 03:15:00 PM
*almost passed out*
Posted by
3/06/2005 05:23:00 PM
Atleast you were at walmart so you know you didnt over pay.
But does anyone else see something wrong in trusting a discount chain of stores with the control of whether you have a family or not?
Then again I guess it is walmart so you could always return it if it turns out that it doesnt work. right?
Posted by
3/07/2005 07:27:00 PM
That's a good one Kirill!!! *LOL* mom
Posted by
11/29/2005 09:56:00 AM
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