Jared finally wrote his response to all the comments on the post "American Woman". You can find it here.
I have to say that I am very disappointed with the climate in which that discussion took place. There were some very, very good insights offered by some readers, but on the whole I don't feel that we handled it as maturely as we could have. I do wish I had better reasoning skills. It would be so much easier to express myself.
It probably doesn't help that I would call down fire and brimstone if anyone disses my roommate either.
Ah well. I'm all for freedom of speech on blogs (and you should especially be allowed that right in your own space), so I can't disapprove of saying something you mean even if it offends. Although I admit that I would personally choose tact over truth if confronted.
I guess that's why I have my own blog.
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3/08/2005 02:22:00 PM
Oh well, I dont care about what Jared will think about this, but I think: YEA, YOU HAVE RIGHT TO WRITE WHATEVER YOU THINK, that is your opinion anyway and he has no right to yell at you.
Sorry to Jared, but I stay with Fei's side. Even though I am completely aware that both of you guys just wanna show your own opinions.
Posted by
3/08/2005 02:25:00 PM
The same anonymous:
To Fei: I dont think we need to be mature all the time. Relax and have some fun. You dont need to prove to people that you are mature.Sometimes, being like a child will be better. Good luck!!!
Posted by
3/08/2005 02:35:00 PM
Umm I chose to ignore it. the boy was trying to get a rise out of us and he acclompished it.
Posted by
3/08/2005 02:40:00 PM
E, I could trust you to take the higher road and not even have to involve yourself in a battle of egos.
Not dignifying something with a response... I need to learn how to do that.
Posted by
3/09/2005 01:09:00 PM
Yes, one does not need to always show his or her maturity and if offense is taken it might be better to hold off. Sometimes blogs are written too fast and comments are posted too quickly. This stuff is published and much harder to take back sometimes.
a man from Saipan
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11/09/2005 06:44:00 AM
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11/28/2005 05:45:00 PM
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