Be nice to me, I'm teething.
Well, technically I've been teething for a long time now. At least a semester ago I discovered little bits of wisdom teeth poking out of my gums. Great.
First, I haven't gone to the orthodontist in over a year, using financial restraints as an excuse. Both wires have broken and I am in essence neither wearing braces nor retainers - just brackets for "decoration". Therefore my teeth are free to grow haywire.
Second, I don't have enough room in my mouth for more teeth! For crying out loud, that's the reason I needed to get braces in the first place. I had to have 5 teeth removed. Yuck.
At first I was surprised at how little the growth bothered me. I thought that I'd get cranky and develop a fever or something, you know, like babies do when they're teething. Maybe I did and just didn't connect the dots. Who knows. I thought it would bother me more but was relieved that it didn't.
But now, NOW, it decides to come back to bite me. All yesterday and today I've had a terribe headache / strain in my neck lurking around. It could be mental stress, or any number of issues, but I really think that it's from all the pressure my FOUR NEW TEETH are putting on my jaw.
Ah the agony of wisdom. Now - back to ruminating on this paper I need to be writing.
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5/18/2005 09:45:00 PM
Good luck with all of that hun. :) *hugs*
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5/19/2005 03:43:00 AM
Awww. I'm sorry babe! Somewhere there's a pun about cutting your teeth... but I can't find it, and I'm sure it would be insensitive. Instead, let me give you a big *hug* and say, good luck on the paper.
Traveling Mattie
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12/04/2005 07:01:00 AM
Did you write it?
Roberto Iza Valdés
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