Must. Not. Cry.
Arrrgh! Tired of being clingy. Not. Going. To. Feel. Lonely.
Seriously, I wonder sometimes when I'll ever be satisfied. No phone conversation is ever long enough, and if we were together, I know I'd never be ready to go home and will probably cry every night he was ready first. (Been there done that) Somewhere in my warped brain I'm thinking "But I've not had enough of you yet, you mean you've had enough of me? *Sob* Don't you love me as much as I love you?" I know it's nowhere near the truth, but stupid irrational clinginess makes you want to feel that way. Blah.
At least now I have the excuse of time difference and can tell myself that he's probably way more tired than I am. I, of all people, have prioritized sleeping above talking on the phone. Especially at nap time. I'm hoping that when he goes to China (*sob!* China - that's this weekend! That's why I want to talk to you more NOW!) and I will be the one 6 hours ahead (well, technically 18 hours or so behind) that the tables will turn and I'll be ready to go to bed while he wants to talk. Knowing me, though, that will still probably not happen. Plus, that's all assuming that we WILL get to talk.
Really, I'm getting quite tired of myself. Every phone conversation I'm thinking "Gotta keep this conversation going. No. No. Is this the cue that you're ready to go? Crap. Gotta start another conversation thread or it's goodnight. Gotta distract you." I could just as easily say "Could you keep me company for a little longer, please?" but when you want to do it everynight, I think it's better to just suppress it, cry a little, blog about it, and force yourself to suck it up and feel better.
Ok Faye, feel better. Now.
Reasons not to feel left out tonight.
1) As much as I'd like to be super nerdy cool, I'm not really excited enough about Star Wars III to want to contract debt to see it. I definitely want to see it, but I can wait to.
2) Technically, I did get invited. Twice. Once a month ago, and once by my sister, yesterday. Too late, of course. But very nice of her to think of me, and start me thinking that I want to go and then realize that I can't anyway.
3) No money, remember? That's why I said I didn't want to go first. Sheesh. Stop changing your mind!
4) It's not like they're leaving me out on purpose. The tickets are frikkin' sold out! There probably wasn't room in the car anyway.
5) Even if there were tickets left, would I really want my sister (whom I still owe money to) to pay for me because a guy was paying for her? Uh. No. That would be like the guy paying for me... weird!
6) Besides, I have homework to do. I'll probably sit around and mope, knowing me. But if I was smart, I'd do homework.
7) It's more the idea of not being able to go if I wanted to now than disappointment about the movie itself or even the social aspect of it. I probably would have turned them down again and again had I been invited repeatedly and would have been home happily watching a downloaded Episode VI or something on my own.
8) All this is too silly and I'm just looking for reasons to feel sorry for myself now. Oh, and of course, I'm a genius and blog about it so that my stupidity can go down in history. And I can kick myself tomorrow and henceforth for ever feeling like this.
Geez. What a drama queen. You'd think it was the prom or something.
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5/19/2005 09:21:00 PM
You'd think... Although when it was the prom-type thing(a.k.a Fall Ball) you grabbed it by the horns and invited ME to go with you so we wouldn't feel sorry for ourselves. You're very resourceful and I know you were able to come up with something. I too would have loved to have gone, but, I'm not there and I don't have money (yet I've been working my butt off lately...weird). Ah well. You know my e-mail address, send me your new number and I'll try giving you a call sometime, k hun? Love ya!!! Oh, and thanks for what you said on my blog. *hugs*
Posted by
5/19/2005 09:33:00 PM
Hahah. Thanks, Shaleen. I was thinking about that Fall Ball too as I mentioned it. Good times.
Yah, I ended up having an awesome evening. In solitude on my computer, which is always less than ideal. But, I have now officially read every single post - and comment- on WilkeWorld. Oh yeah. Made me laugh. I was entertained. Also rather mad at myself for not saving any for later.
Like the time I finally discovered Homestar Runner. I watched all the toons in about 3 nights. Now, I'm doomed to waiting impatiently for Mondays forever.
Thankfully, K Jones posts more frequently than that. If his wife doesn't take away his blogging privelleges, that is.
Posted by
5/19/2005 09:43:00 PM
You really must get a life, Faye. I mean, seriously, every post? I'm impressed, but my wife is just a little disappointed that you are encouraging me. As for your desire to hold on to the conversation with your man, men don't want clingy. Its good that you let it go when he wants to go to sleep. He'll be happier and want to talk more the next time. Good luck.
Cool Dad
Posted by
5/20/2005 07:14:00 AM
Yeah, I have a life, I just like to escape sometimes and pretend like I don't have one. But wait a minute... you telling me to get a life? lol.
Really, it wasn't that many posts. I've done worse. You only started in February and your posts are fairly short and interesting. I guess I lied, I skipped through some posts. The NCAA ones. Was all greek to me.
Now if someone said they read ALL of mine, then I'd be worried.
But, the wifey needen't be disappointed, especially when she finds out that I take her side on things.
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