Life in Transit.
For some reason, this Internet Kiosk here at the Narita airport can't open my blog. So, I am blogging here temporarily until I can transfer this post to where it rightly belongs.
I am safe. I am good. I enjoyed the flight. I wish I chose the salmon instead of the chicken for the meal, and wish they had some better movies.
The view from the plane was gorgeous. Especially just leaving Hawaii. The ocean is just simply bluer there than it is anywhere else in the world. *sigh* I miss it already.
As I was sitting on the plane today, I found myself making up imaginary conversations in my head, and talking to myself (not out loud though, relax) and while I remember doing it a ton before, I realized that I haven't in a while. Too much computer accessibility? Thoughts turn into text before they fully develop? Who knows.
The reality of the situation I am in hasn't settled in yet. I don't think it will for a couple of months. Narita airport is a good friend of mine. It's been with me through every single move. Every change in my life. It's nice to be back here again.
I'm nervous about meeting Matthew again. I asked that we don't kiss until we/I'm ready. I don't know what that means, really, except that I feel like I want to do it "right" and I enjoy the buildup. What a masochist. Oh, the fact that the bracket on my front tooth is missiing makes me too self conscious to open my mouth even to smile. Much less to kiss.
Not that I open my mouth when I kiss or anything... *ahem*
Anyways, I've kind of run out of substantial things to say. not that I had very many to start with or actually put anything down. But I am alive, I am well. And I miss my blog already.
Peace out.
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7/17/2005 06:48:00 AM
i think your 5gigs blog is broken again...i couldn't get on it and i'm not using a kiosk :P
Posted by
7/17/2005 02:56:00 PM
I echo "yourfriendmark".
Singapore Girl
I'm sure K-Jones will be lost again, trying to find you. Hahahha.
Thanks, to blogspot, you're still around!
Posted by
7/18/2005 04:32:00 AM
U write well. Is english your second language? If so, it is impressive.
Oriental Lass
Faye, you are a brave girl.
Posted by
7/19/2005 03:50:00 AM
Hi hun!! Miss you so much! I'm glad that you're safe and well. *hugs*
Posted by
7/19/2005 08:29:00 AM
SNiff it is going to be a quieter place on campus with out you. well kepp blogging. MISS YOU ALREADY!!!
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11/04/2005 04:21:00 PM
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12/04/2005 06:54:00 AM
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Roberto Iza Valdés
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8/28/2007 04:48:00 AM
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