Be ye prepared: Wishlist
My birthday being less than 2 weeks from now, I thought I'd give you the heads up on the perfect gifts to give me for my birthday. Although I know many things are too extravagant to be affordable, one can still dream.
Wishlist roughly sorted in order of preference. There are some things on here that I would like to buy for myself but can't afford, so they are going on the list. I'll do my best in trying to list them based on which I will be happier to receive. Price has very little to do with preference.
1) A paid psychology internship in Beijing
Yeah. Good luck getting that for me. I will settle for an unpaid internship at this point. Money for housing will be nice too. School will get my plane ticket.
2) Digital camera
Where there is no Su, there is no digital camera. *sniffle* So no China pictures, and then she leaves for Provo in the fall. I'm usually picky about cameras, and the ultimate would be of course, an SLR with a good lense that can take BEAUTIFUL pictures. But a crappy digital camera is better than none at all. Well, ok, it depends on HOW crappy. I have my film EOS still, but I never use it. It's falling apart anyway. If it wasn't an SLR, then some video features (+audio) would be nice. I am not too picky about megapixels, since I don't usually notice, but I think if you go TOO low I will. I especially like cameras with adjustable presets for portrait, landscape, sports, night time etc. They come in handy!
Jared gave me last year. It was one of the best presents I ever got. You can top him by giving me 1 year hosting with at least 50MB space and 2GB monthly (most will give you more than that for just little money) with PHP and MySQL database and email forwarding. That's all I ask. That will solve all my stupid hosting problems. FREE HOSTING SUCKS!
4) Outburst and or Catchphrase
Yep. Games make me happy. Need something new yet exciting. Catchphrase is similar to taboo and I already have that so I'd pick outburst first then catchphrase. The remix version is cool too.
5) Teen Girl Squad Hoodie
Or a BYUH hoodie. Or ANY hoodie. I don't have a hoodie. I need more sweater-like thingies. Teen girl squad would be my top choice, of course, but I'll be pleased with anything else.
6) Chinese-English, English-Chinese dictionary
Needs to be small - at least portable. Simplfied Chinese, with Han Yu Pin Yin and lots of English definitions or it will do me no good. (Mom, I want one like the red one we had growing up)
7) Contact Lenses
I am wearing my last pair and still have no money. I wear Baush and Lomb Soflens 66 TORIC. My prescription is as follows:
SPH: - 8.50 (I kid you not)
CYL: -0.75
AX : 180
BC : 8.5
8) Underwear
Yeah, you heard me. No I am not outgrowing my bras. I am still 32A. But I haven't bought any for a year now. And I'm eager to replace my granny walmart-size-5-is-too-big-for-me panties. I still don't really know what size I am, but I can tell you that my waist is 25' and my hips are 34'. I.e. I am a size SMALL. Try the little girl section. The smaller the better. I believe the ones I like are called bikini briefs. They ride low on your hips. I can always use more thongs. Favorite colors for underwear black and white - solid, but go crazy. I don't mind the cutsie patterns too much. Don't like the skin colored stuff. Darker colors or bolder colors are more fun than a light pink. I dislike lace. But what the heck. It's just underwear. Those thinkgeek "403 forbidden" ones were cool
9) Watch
Yeah. Anything to replace the Big green Krusty the Clown watch I got 3 birthdays ago. (Wow. Has it really been that long?!) That's the only functioning watch I have right now. It does the job, but it might die soon, and I will be lost. I like analog watches with the date on them. I have small wrists, so nothing big. If I wanted a big watch, I would just wear Krusty.
10) Body pillow
I only have one pillow now. That's the longest I've gone on only one pillow. I've never had a body pillow before. They look like they make good sleeping buddies.
11) External DVD-rom / CD-RW drive
It's only so far down the list because Scott said he'd give me his internal CD-RW drive. (If he can ever get a hold of me, that is) But I still don't have a DVD rom. It's also only so far down because I may not always have a computer of my own... *sniffle*
12) Computer speakers!!!
I keep meaning to buy myself some but always have more important things to spend my money on. My rental computer has my crappy speakers, but it does the job.
13) Syberia for PC
An adventure game I've always wanted to play. Anything that lines up with Grim Fandongo - send it my way! Again, it's so low down because I may not have time to play it now or a computer to do it on. And anyway, the pirated version can probably be found in Malaysia. No biggie. Not in a hurry.
12) Head/earphones
The only reason why this is lower than the speakers is because I am more likely to buy this for myself.
14) Laptop Computer
So low down because I know how absurd it is, and because I'd actually prefer a REAL machine, but I've always wanted a laptop, and it will be portable. Don't know enough about hardware to care about details too much. But I'd rather have no laptop than dinosour that makes me want to slit my wrists. I have no patience.
14)Picture of Christ or Temple for my room
Yeah, it's sucky, but I don't have one. I feel guilty for putting it way down here. But seriously, given the choice of a laptop or this? Yeah. I'd choose the laptop. Hey, they're just pictures!
15) Sheets
More fitted sheets for my dorm room (single bed). I have 2 to choose from right now that aren't white. One of them is stained. The other is slightly too big.
Do they have gift vouchers for trips to the orthodontist? No? How about to a dermatologist then?
While I wouldn't put these on a wishlist (since that's what I used to spend my money on back when I had money), you can never go wrong with the girly things like:
1) Clothes
How about the Teen girl squad shirt, you know, the one that says "I have a crush on every boy". on the back. Or the blogging one. Only like words on them if they're funny. I like nice looking shirts. Cheap nice looking shirts. Need more collared ones. Like bright colors. Solids. Stripes are fine. Actually, I'm fine in the top department. I have plenty to wear, but what I REALLY need are JEANS. Badly. Last time I bought a pair was uhm... 1.5 years ago? I'm wearing them out! Finding one that will fit is hard enough in person though. Not sure how that would go down as a gift. I think I upgraded from a size 0 to a size 3. I don't know how the sizes work here! I love dresses too. But, hows about some gift vouchers. Do they have them for thrift stores like savers?
2) Shoes
I actually might need shoes soon. I got a pair of old tennis shoes from the freebie bin this semester. That saved me money. I don't have any covered up shoes other than that. Might need pumps sometime. My cool tan backless heels are all worn out. Love strappy shoes.
3) Earrings
But they have to be DANGLY. Some stud ones are cool too. Still, I get earrings a lot. Maybe something other than earrings this birthday or Christmas will be nice. Despite what you think, I feel like I have less earrings than average. I could be that I always ending up wearing the same few pairs, and usually they're the ones I bought for myself. Mom gave me some REALLY nice ones for Christmas though.
4) Makeup
Seriously, I haven't bought ANY makeup for over a year now. I'm running low on black eyeliner. That was the first thing of eyeliner I ever bought. That was, uhm... 4 years ago now? I keep using the same thing of lipgloss. I'm just about out. Pink is good. I need a light pink blush. Or lighter anyway. Don't really need eyeshadow because I never use it. In desperate need of foundation. I have given up on covergirl oil control. It sucks as a foundation. Water based oil control ones are the best, but even for me, shopping for makeup is a gamble every time. Don't know which shade to get, ever. Something tan. I don't use it enough to have figured out what works and what doesn't. Besides, my color is changing. Hawaiian sun.
I used to hate getting things that I needed for my birthday, because those were things you got from Mom and Dad all year round when you needed that. But now, I'd be thrilled if you bought me a thing of toothpaste. I love being poor.
Notice that I didn't put money on the list? That's because I know that if I get money, it will go directly to paying for things that are not fun. Like debt. Or I'd waste it on food when I get hungry because I slept through dinner again or something. It'd be nice to relinquish debt, but I like fun things so much better! The logic doesn't connect here somewhere, but yes, I'd like more money, just not for a birthday present. But, that having been said, it's not my birthday yet. You should

Ok, so I've used up my materialism quota for the year. I'm done. I probably will get NONE of those things for my birthday - or any time soon - and I know that I won't care. I just thought it'd be insightful. I think the things I want to have say a little about me. Still, you should be getting together right now. You have till the 14th! No repeats! Seriously, what will a girl do with 2 laptops?
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6/05/2005 08:30:00 PM
I have a great present for you, but it comes on one condition. That you have to except it and keep it no matter what, well at least till it breaks or your get bored with it.
Judge of the Whetten's
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12/04/2005 06:56:00 AM
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Roberto Iza Valdés
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