Friday, July 08, 2005

Yahoo Cache = My Hero.

Oh my Gosh. I thought I was about to die. But Yahoo cached my page recently. The last time I backed up my database was a week ago, so I had most of my posts and comments saved. I have saved all the posts I wrote since then, up till "Chapter One" and I've only lost 2 posts. One on the music, which was inconsequencial anyway, and one on the analogy. I miss the analogy one, but it's ok. Nothing too important or irreplacable. It's the comments that I am really sorry to have to lose.

But it's ok. I've lost comments before. I've read them, and somewhere in my extremely moldable memory, I have stored it forever.

I still don't know what is up with my stupid Wordpress blog. *sigh* At least I still have this. I will be grateful for what does work.


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7/08/2005 09:29:00 PM

It's definitely a good thing that you hadn't deleted this account. Good luck with the other! *hugs*

Posted by Blogger Shaleen 

7/09/2005 03:50:00 AM

So, now you see, through empirical evidence, that Blogspot IS the best!!! Go write a research paper or something on that.


Posted by Blogger Davey From The Block 

7/10/2005 08:38:00 PM

You have more than one huge Weird Al fan? Aren't you the luckiest girl alive?
Gee whiz!

Posted by Blogger introspectre 

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