Must read: Lifecycle of Bloggers
I apologize for not having updated in a while. In reality, I've been blogging like a mad woman for the past week and am running on very low sleep. I did not expect to post here ever again (details later) but - let it be known - free hosting sucks hard and I am never going to use up that 5 gigs of bandwidth if the SQL databases are always down. Freakin' A! To cheer you up though, here is the most true post I've ever seen about blogging. Goes right in line with the feature on blogging that the school newspaper approached me about (smart people them, they got the blogging queen bee in her hive)
All ye who profess to be bloggers - thou shalt read this awesome blog!
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6/03/2005 06:00:00 PM
IT's sad cause I can pinpoint where I'm at right now and I can see the other comeing up. It's like a crappy chiness cookie.
Judge of the Whetten's
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6/03/2005 09:12:00 PM
Judge, I don't understand it, ever since I've set up the recent comments hack forever ago, you have never shown up there, even when you leave comments. I don't get why it can't extract your comment. Weird!!!
You slip through the cracks in my blogger recent comment system. Put on more weight, yo!
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