I can only think of maybe 3 other instances when I have been this frustrated in my entire life!!!! Seriously, I'm ready to slit my wrist right about now. I'll settle for using the f word over and over again instead. The latter is at least a less painful way to go to hell.
Yes, I said hell. DEAL WITH IT.
It's just like me to make blogging a matter of life and death. Sheesh. Here's the deal. I've been working on transferring my blog to wordpress for like a week now. I've decided that it is THE BEST publishing tool out there, hands down. The only problem is that you need to find your own hosting and that hosting requires PHP and MySQL capabilities, which is so very conveniently NOT AN OPTION on the school w:/. So, I looked around, and I found free subdomain hosting. 80MB storage, 5 gigs bandwidth, 1 MySQL database and, here's the best part NO ADS! Sweet deal huh?
Yeah, except that for the last week that I've been trying to get my blog to work, it's been down at least 40% of the time! And it's not like 10 minutes, it's like 16 hours at a time!!! The reason why I was holding off on letting you know that I had moved (I wanted it to be a surprise, sort of, I guess) was because I was still tweaking things. And then, I could tweak it no longer. Couldn't even go to site. So I said, screw this, I'm going to find a new host!
Well, I found another one that would let me point my domain to for free! What this means is that I finally found hosting for 1.8Gigs of bandwidth, 100MB storage. Banner Ad only on the BOTTOM of the page. I can live with that. So I pointed my domain to the nameserver. It takes time for the DNS thingamajiggy to catch on to the transfer, so I wait patiently. Today, I finally can access it on my FTP, and YES! 5 GIGs is back up working! I can transfer my blog over. So I did that.
Then, I find out the transfer didn't go all the way. I have a blog, but it's all the default settings. What happened to the template I tricked out?! No matter, I will register on the support forum and get some help. So I wait for the confirmation email. And I wait. And I wait. And I wait somemore.
Then I says, wait a minute... (or maybe like 300!), I just changed my server. My email forwarding probably doesn't work anymore!!! I tried sending myself some mail. My horrors were confirmed. me at is dysfunctional. NO WONDER I DIDN'T GET ANYTHING IN MY MAIL AT ALL! FFFFFFFFFF!!!! (or *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep*)
So now, I can't blog. I can't get email. And I'm so frustrated I can't sleep. I'm going to try to undo the point name server thing, since there were no options for email whatsoever on that host. Stupid free hosting.
I just checked, and I think my email works now, but just in case it doesn't work for you in the future, it gets forwarded to fayemin at Send it there as a second option.
And now, I think the slitting wrist thing sounds like fun.
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6/03/2005 10:20:00 PM
Faye, just let us know exactly where you land so we can find you. Sounds like a rough week. Good luck.
Cool Dad
Posted by
6/05/2005 08:23:00 PM
I always thought it but now I know. Your a nerd, and not just any kind of nerd but a programming one. Don't tell kelsey but I think I'm in love.
Judge of the Whetten's
Posted by
6/05/2005 09:33:00 PM
No email and Blogging sure sounds like hell enough to me, but I think my Geography lessons gives a better definition of hell...
Posted by
6/05/2005 10:06:00 PM
Judge, we should have an affair and scandalize everybody.
Seriously, you just paid me like the best compliment ever. *sigh*
Not sure how much I deserved that though. I'd LIKE to be a programming nerd, but honestly, I don't know enough about programming to actually be one. There is potential, though. I already enjoy it. Given the right exposure, I could even be good at this.
I sometimes forget that this runs in the family. I am amazed at how tech-savvy my dad is sometimes (like when I think I am smarter than them at computers and discovered something new, I find that he already beat me to it) then I remember that my dad was involved with computers way back when. He even wrote an accounting program once. This was back when they were way new. Yeah, my dad is awesome. I got the programming bug from him. And the psych bug. Now if I could get the motivation bug going...
Posted by
6/06/2005 01:35:00 AM
I think you might as well change your major to something that is computer-programming-related. For example, "The Psychology of Computer Programming" or "The Art of Computer Programming" or "Computer Therapy". Seriously, the last one could be THE field to venture into. What can you do to turn an addiction into something productive? By the way, I think you might have to create these major if they don't already exist!
Singapore Girl
Posted by
12/04/2005 06:57:00 AM
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Roberto Iza Valdés
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9/06/2007 10:17:00 AM
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Roberto Iza Valdés
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