Affection transfer.
Just got of the phone with Richie again. *sigh* This is becoming a ritual.
I love talking to him, but it always leaves me torn and confused. Maybe I should take that as a warning sign and run away. But we've already settled that I am a masochist.
Told me today that he was in love. But no, it wasn't with me like I would've liked. It's with Megumi, his girl in Japan. I hope there really is something there. I'm willing to step back for it, but I don't want him to get hurt. All the energy he's putting into that relationship better not be wasted.
I feel like such an idiot. I'll sit here and let him talk about this other girl he loves and try to find it in me to be excited for him and encourage him the whole time feeling this stabbing pain in my chest while I try hard not to let him hear me choking up. All with the hope that maybe when he's done with that he'll talk about this other girl he likes who he keeps thinking about. One named Faye.
He did apologize. He said that he realized that it was unfair for him to be talking about her all the time. And of course I told him it was ok. Why do I keep trying to be his friend when I know that's not all I want to be?! Taste of my own medicine. I owe Jared an apology. Isn't that the reason why Mark and I are trying to break it off?
Crap. I'm in over my head already.
I think I'm just trying too hard to fill the gap that Mark has left. Maybe I'm just trying to transfer all my affection for him to Richie. I don't know. Richie is a pretty special guy.
He isn't giving me clear signals - he said himself that he doesn't want to lead me on. Doesn't want to be a player. I appreciate that but it's already too late.
If this is already making me more unhappy than excited, then I should just get up and walk away. But you just don't give up that easily on love. Oh, what do I do?
Sleep, probably. And start again tomorrow. Keep busy. Keep breathing.
Yeah. I think I'll do that.
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12/23/2004 11:29:00 AM
I'm going to to say this point blank. He's never going to give up on this girl in Japan without alot of effort and time. Which is not what you need if you are feeling lonely. Plus if he can't see what a great person you are he is not even worht the time. The best addvice I can give I got from a shirt.
"Boys are stuiped throw rocks at them."
Anonymous | 10.20.04 - 2:33 pm | #
It's not that he isn't charmed by me at all. He does like me, alot, but he's still trying to figure out how much. He was so used to having his heart set on this other girl that my presence confuses him.
I'm just going to try to play it cool for a while. Try. Heh. We'll see what happens.
I'd be more aggressive if I was sure I was the best option. I don't know this girl in Japan but she is older and has a child who needs 2 parents at home. Richie is 28 and at the right stage in his life. He loves kids and will make a great Dad. I don't want to get in the way of what is supposed to happen between them.
Oh well. Plenty of other fish in the sea, right?
Faye | Email | Homepage | 10.20.04 - 7:40 pm | #
as much as i hate to admit it seems like most of the time that shirt is right. thankfully the times its wrong usually make up for the rest.
kirill | 10.20.04 - 10:04 pm | #
Well, from what you've said in your comment it sounds very similar to what was going on with me, Mike, and Lynn. He ended up choosing me over her, so there is hope for you darling. But I hope that if/when that happens you won't have the same dilemma as me and have other guys from your past show an interest in you. Good luck hun. But, yeah, sleep is good. And you're right, there are other fish, but really, what are you suppose to do with them? LOL. Guys seriously do suck, can't live with them and the trouble they end up causing, but it's just to dang hard to live without 'em.
Rachael | Email | Homepage | 10.21.04 - 2:45 pm | #
Posted by Anonymous
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