Why am I always the one doing the pursuing? It's fun for a little while, but it's nicer when the guy does some of the work.
There have been a couple of guys this semester who were interested and did something about it. Only problem? I wasn't. It was still nice though. It's only happened once to me when it was mutual. That was with Jared. It went both ways, that was really nice. We both encouraged each other. He would call me, and I would call him back. I'd invite him to do stuff with me. He asked me out... you know, the way it's SUPPOSED to work. With Mark, we both liked each other but I took the lead in initiating that. As usual.
I don't want to lead. I'm the girl, I'm supposed to follow! *grunt* All I want to do is drop a few obvious hints and be able to enjoy the ride from there. I feel like I'm on a boat with only one oar and I'm only going in circles. Velocity=O
Or my partner is paddling on half-heartedly.
I think the key here is having someone into me as much as I am into them. Whoah. When was the last time that happened...? I'm not sure I know what that is anymore. Few of us do though.
Don't mind me, I'm just in a whiney mood. I'll get over it. Next week, I'll be off pursuing some other guy.
Heh. I wish.
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12/23/2004 11:28:00 AM
Gosh, I wonder how I'll end up
Han | Email | 10.26.04 - 3:16 pm | #
You'll probably end up with like SIX girlfriends at a time and having to lose sleep over how to please them all. Yeah.
You inherit my good looks.
Faye | Email | Homepage | 10.26.04 - 10:55 pm | #
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